Part 2 interview - DNA and purpose of coming to earth (told by Essene ancient texts)

Dec 15, 2003 00:42

Entire Interview at:

It's happening this generation right now.

Wow. That's really inspiring. On the subject of Earth and the
cosmos, let me ask you this: You obviously believe in a guiding hand,
and all-seeing intelligence - a god, whatever the word -

Yes and no.

Ok, but in consideration of the fact that we have lost information
and that it is now resurfacing in our consciousness and through our
scientific research, do you believe that that's all part of the
divine plan - that the puzzle is there but we need to rediscover it?
And how does evolution link to this sort of treasure hunt for the
hidden history of the human potential?

Well, first of all, there is a question that has been asked by
humankind since the earliest records of recorded history that we have
found and it's asked in almost every group that I am with today. And
the question simply asked is:

Why are we here?


What are we doing here?

What is this insanity and all this madness all about?

And, although it means different things to different people, in the
recovery of some of the ancient Essene texts, they asked themselves
the same question twenty-five hundred years ago. And they said
something that touched me very deeply when I first read it and now,
as I apply it in my life, it means even more and more. Essentially,
what the Essenes say to us is that we have come to this world to have
an experience here that can only be experienced in a world like
this. They say that without exception, every human that walks this
Earth, every man, every woman, every child, regardless of their level
of intelligence or their physical abilities, is a highly evolved,
highly sophisticated being who has successfully achieved a life -
maybe without a body - in another world, in what they called the
heavens. Now that they have achieved that level of mastery they've
come to this world to do something that can only be done in this
world - and what they say is this, they say we've come to this world
for one reason above all other reasons.

That we are here to love and to find a love in this world greater
than the love of the angels of the heavens.

They say that what we do in this world, without even consciously
knowing it - I'm not saying this is a conscious thing - but we find
ourselves in relationships with one another - friendships, marriages,
corporations, families, with our Earth, with God, or our perception
of God - those are all relationships. And in those relationships, we
push ourselves to the very edge of who we believe that we are.
Sometimes we push ourselves right over the edge and then, in the
presence of that, we find ourselves in tremendous suffering and pain
with the atrocities as well as the joy and the gratitude and the
compassion that comes with those things. They say the only way that
we survive is through our love and that every time we find a way to
love ourselves out of the suffering of this world here, that that
love is honored and mirrored by all the angels and all the heavens.
It says the angels in the heavens have learned new ways to love
through the experiences they can't have, that we are having here.

Then the texts go on to say - and I'm going to use their language and
then the listeners can translate this to whatever they would like -
the text goes on to say that the only difference between the angels
in the heavens and the angels that walk this Earth is that the angels
in the heavens know that they are angels - implying that those that
walk this Earth are also angels and have forgotten. And, if you
don't like the word angels, if that sounds too religious, then…
electromagnetic carbon-based genetically-fabricated beings that are
walking around. That's all just language that says that we have come
from other realms to find a power here.

This power that lives within us.

And as we do that we cannot just survive. It's not about just
surviving this world. We can actually transcend. We can become more
than the suffering of this world - and when we do that, beings in
other worlds - and translate that however you'd like - are actually
learning through our actions. That the reverberations of our ability
to love our way out of the holocaust and 6 million Jews being
massacred in WWII, or what's happening in Bosnia and continuing to
happen, what we did to the Native American population in North
America - these things are still happening and they're still in our
memory. That's us collectively pushing ourselves to the very edge of
what no angels could ever tolerate in their hearts, and finding a way
through love and compassion and understanding to transcend that. And
the beings in other worlds learn from that and that may be why
apparently, through some scholars and some researchers, there is a
lot of interest in what's happening in our world by other worlds
because we are doing something like that here…

Now that's very esoteric very nebulous but when you bring it right
down into your daily life, when you walk outside and you look into
the eyes of strangers that are passing you on the street, and you
look into the eyes of everyone, what will happen is, at first, they
may seem like strange people that you don't know. But, as you look
into the eyes of enough people, suddenly there is a familiarity that
comes and you feel a connection and you feel like you know these
people. And there is a little something I ask people in our
workshops to do some time when they take a lunch break. You look at
what seems to you to be the strangest or oddest person crossing the
street in the crosswalk. Maybe it's a handicapped or perceived
handicapped or someone that is physically deformed or someone who is
emotionally disturbed or something, look at them and know in your
heart that that person is better than the worst thing that they've
ever done in their lives. That that person is doing absolutely the
best they could possibly do in this world and think about how empty
our world would be if that person wasn't there. Think about how much
you would miss them if they weren't present in your world and all of
a sudden for me, I'll say, life takes on a much different meaning.
And we do this in every country and every city that we go to and it's
a powerful exercise.

That's really beautiful. And it answers the first part of my
question. The second part of the question is: as you've studied this
reclamation of lost knowledge, have you come to see it as part of the
grand plan? Are we walking blindly into the knowledge for a greater
reason? Because if we got it all at once, then the journey would be

The question is whether or not there is a grand plan and if there is
a hand that is part of that. The father of quantum physics, Max
Planck… when he accepted his Novel prize, he made an astounding
statement. And he was talking about matter and he said there really
isn't any matter. He said what we perceive as matter is the effect
of what we have to say is an intelligent mind. And this mind is the
matrix of all matter that we see in our lives.

This was an astounding thing for a physicist to say, accepting his
Novel prize.

If there is a mind that's the matrix that is the source of all that's
happening, we have to say: 'Well whose mind or what mind is it?' And
this is where modern physics, quantum science and ancient traditions
are now converging… at this point, saying: 'The mind is ours.' That
it is our collective intelligence that forms the matrix of all

So when we ask: 'Is there a divine plan,' the ancient traditions, the
ancient texts, Egyptian and Mayan traditions, Native American and
Essene texts pre-Biblical all say that we came to this world to have
these experiences. The plan was to have the experience. How the
experience plays out, no one could know because no one has done what
we are doing here before. So, it's up to us to find a way to
negotiate the experiences of our daily lives. So, there are general
themes that play out - and of course karma and things like that -
balancing of energies come into play but what it says is, when we
come to this world, if we come to this world as an angry person, and
our path is to heal our anger, it doesn't mean necessarily that we
are going to marry a specific person who's going to be angry with us.
What it means is, in our anger, we will draw many forms of anger into
our path. We'll see it in our jobs, in our corporations, in our
friendships, in our marriage, maybe with our dog, we have an angry
dog or an angry cat, that our anger will be mirrored to us in many
ways until we recognize it and heal the anger in our bodies. And the
minute that happens, and I have seen this happen in case studies, the
anger around us suddenly goes away. Suddenly the corporation moves
us into a new division where people are very loving or compassionate,
our animals may change, our friendships will either end so they can
end and move on or they'll heal and we'll find a new path with the
people we're sharing our time with. So I believe that the guidance
is our collective will to live and to heal and to transcend and move
forward in life, honoring life as we do that.

Thank you. One thing about your presentation, Gregg, is that you
have an incredible array of empirical evidence - it's one of the most
memorable parts of your presentation… which was two hours but seemed
like half an hour when we were done. But for people who are
skeptical, who say come on, this is totally intangible and unfounded
speculation, how would you describe this matrix in more 'wordly'
terms? Because, for many people, the word matrix has only one
reference is their lives and that's from the film. And though that
film actually hinted at the whole notion of an unseen 'programmed'
reality, how would people in their day to day life know the matrix
exists and how is it self evident?

Well, that's a very complex question. What we are saying - and,
again, so much of this… when we have these discussions, it sounds
very esoteric, very nebulous - what our own science is finding now
and, I believe, science is doing the best it knows how to do,
experimental evidence is showing the relationship of the web of

There was an experiment that we spoke about in one of our programs,
for example, where the skin cells from inside the mouth of a donor
were put into a machine that was placed fifty miles away from the
donor who was in a room in another building, so there's fifty miles
separating them. And what was happening was, as the donor was
watching visual stimulus - videos evoking rage and compassion and
anger and love - in his building, his cells 50 miles away were having
an experience in exactly the same instant of time even though they
were not physically connected any longer. Science says that is not
supposed to happen. They said: "And what is it that links these
things together?" Well that is a little piece of experimental

The ancient traditions - Buddhists, Islamic, Christian, indigenous
traditions throughout the world have always said the same thing to
us. What they say is that the choices we make in our lives are not
limited to our immediate lives. For example, the Heart Math
Institute in Northern California has found that there's a field
around the human heart that's shaped like a doughnut - its called a
Tube Taurus - it's between 5 and 8 feet in diameter. So when you're
within 5 - 8 feet of another person, you're in their heart field and
you two are communicating on levels you may not even be aware of.
This is what happens with lovers when they come together and then
when they separate there is still that same feeling there. Well,
quantum physics says that that field extends for miles on the quantum
level, the subatomic level. It's not 5 or 8 feet. It's miles! So
it says that when we have an experience, when people gather together
in a congregation or a meeting or in your living room and you're
feeling in your heart a specific quality of emotion, that the world
is sharing that emotion for a distance of miles. It includes rocks,
trees, plants and animals.

And, as we have the wisdom to recognize that, we see those effects.

We have very dramatic evidence on video of the healing effects inside
people's bodies. There was this medicine-less hospital in Beijing,
China, that had an ultrasound so that we could see inside the body of
a living woman who was in the presence of other people standing by,
creating a feeling. Now the ancients call that feeling a prayer -
the ancient traditions say there is a mode of prayer that has no
outward expressions. You don't hold your hands like this, you're not
saying, 'Dear God, let this woman be healed.' The prayer is a
feeling in your heart - not a thought in your head.

It's a feeling of what it feels like to be in the presence of the
woman already healed.

So what we're saying is, 'Feel the feeling and give thanks for the
healing that's already occurred.' Well, with the woman in the
clinic, through the ultrasound, we see that she has a three inch
diameter bladder cancer that is terminal and cannot be operated on in
Western medicine. Doctors said, "Go live your life until you
So she comes to the clinic as a last resort, and in two minutes and
forty seconds, in the presence of the ultrasound, we can see on the
monitor as the practitioners are having very powerful emotions of
what it feels like to be with the woman already healed, that the
cancer literally disappears from her bladder.

And Western scientists say that's a miracle.

We don't know how that happens. Although quantum physics says that's
entirely possible because, they say, in every moment of our lives,
there are many, many, many possibilities that are all playing out at
the same time. Every time we are diagnosed with a potentially life
threatening condition, there is another reality where that condition
never happened and they say that we move in and out of these
realities all the time. We don't know it. It's not a mystical, mind-
altering experience. It may happen so frequently that we don't even
recognize it when it happens.

So, on this particular video, three people creating the feeling,
saying, "I give thanks for the healing of this woman's body and
the health of her bladder." In 2 minutes and 40 seconds, the
cancerous tumor is replaced by the possibility where that tumor does
not exist and the statistic rate in this particular clinic after
three years is over 90% success rate. Having this happen, part of
what's happening is that the person having the experience is changing
their belief systems. They change their diet, the way they move
their bodies, the way they breathe. And they accept this. They
become part of the healing process. It's not something where you go
in and say, "Heal me, I got a three o'clock lunch, you know, I
got to
get rid of my cancer." It's not like that. But these are very
dramatic examples of how we interact with creation all the time, if
we have the wisdom to see it. If we don't, then it's still happening
and now it's being called to our attention.

It's kind of like when I was looking for vehicles. I was looking for
a Jeep Cherokee and I didn't know anything about them. I went to a
car lot one day and they showed me from the bottom to the top of the
line. I left and then all of a sudden, Jeep Cherokees were
everywhere. I saw them on the freeways, in the parking loots, I knew
all about the high end and the low end. They had always been there.
I had never recognized them. They had never been called to my
attention. I think that's what's happening is, it's called to our
attention how we interact with our world and we're beginning to see
miracles everyday that we just didn't see because we didn't look for

That is so true. Gregg, quickly, what is the name of the clinic?

It's a clinic in Beijing - it's in the book - the Isaiah book. It's
a very long, very Chinese sounding name and the key - you know we use
the example of the healing of the bladder cancer not as a panacea for
people that have cancer - and I don't want to mislead people in that
respect because by the time a person gets to this clinic, it's
usually as a last resort and when they walk in they go through a
tremendous lifestyle change. They learn to breathe like we've never
been taught in the West. They learn to nourish their bodies like
we've never been taught in the West. They move their bodies
differently - there are healing ways to walk, there are healing ways
to move our bodies and they learn all of these. So, they go through
a radical change of lifestyle. In the process of doing that, at some
point it makes sense for them now to have this change of the cancer
in their body because their cancer is what brought them to the point
where they had to understand this or lose their lives. Now, the
cancer has served them and they no longer need it. So they go
through this radical change and I have to say that in all fairness,
because it's not like people can fly over there in a week, get healed
and come back and do everything they've always done. It doesn't
really work that way.

We show the video because it's very powerful visual evidence to
reaffirm - I think we all suspect that miracles can happen in our
hearts. When you see it with your left brain in a Western frame of
reference, you say: "My God, I always thought that could happen
now I've actually seen it." And that triggers the possibility
people's lives and that's the reason. It's a relationship between
non-physical forces of emotion - because no one is physically
touching this woman - and the physical presence of what is happening
in her bladder. No one is touching her in two minutes and forty
seconds, people are simply feeling a very powerful feeling, one
that's called a coherent feeling - coherence between the heart and
the brain - there's a whole science behind all that - and in that
coherence, there is a shift - a physical shift in her body. And our
science is just beginning to understand that. And that's the reason
we share that video.

If you had to give one message to the world, describing what we
should be focusing on, as a mass - because I believe in the
collective unconscious, I believe in the power of critical mass - to
shift our world paradigm, what would you say we need to do, right

Well, this is the question and this is the bottom line. You know,
there are so many languages to share what we are doing here - some of
them are very scientific, some of them are so airy-fairy and new age
that people are turned off by them. And the truth is, it's all
language and we don't have to be very technical and we don't have to
really believe in anything. The only message the ancients left to
us, and I believe they were adamant - they left us volumes of
information, they built entire libraries, they dedicated their lives
to leaving a message to a people they could only imagine in their
future. And we have to ask: 'What was so important to them to go
through that effort to leave a message for us?'

The bottom line to that message is that as we honor all life in this
world, that that honoring will be mirrored in our bodies and in the
world around us. As we honor the principles of life, as we honor our
relationships in the presence of one another, as we know and are
conscious and aware of how we speak to one another and how we think
of one another and how we share our time together and how we are
willing to be there for other people, how we are willing to honor the
life of our planet that sustains our life - and it's more than just
recycling, although that's important. It doesn't mean you have to be
a vegetarian although there are ways of honoring life in that respect
as well. So we have to find in our own way - it's very individual,
very personal. We each have to find the way to hold ourselves to the
yardstick that we personally feel comfortable with that says: 'I am
doing my best in this time, in my lifetime, to honor the principle of
life in all that I do. And when we do that, all these quantum
principles automatically come into play and I think that's the
message of the ancients.

Gregg thanks for your time.

Sure you gentlemen are great and I love your studio here…


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