Breaking out of my shell a bit, I guess.

Feb 15, 2006 00:06

The Valentine's Day Massacree was fantastic. I had a great time watching all the incredibly talented acts on stage. I'm talking about the stand-up, of course, not the poetry. Who paid any attention to that?

"Let Love Come as a Predator"

Let love come as a Predator tonight.
Let it come for me in the sweltering jungles of South America
And on the busy streets of Los Angeles in the distant future of 1997.
Let love bend light around itself so as to camouflage itself from me.
Let it come unbeknownst, unannounced, and unwelcomed!!
Let it come armed with high tech weaponry that no mere man could possibly contend with.
Let love come as a Predator tonight.
Let it stalk and kill all of my friends until I alone stand to face it
Armed only with improvised grenades made out of banana leaves and gunpowder.
Let love cut Gary Busey in half right in front of me!
Let it come masked in a sleek, stylish helmet
Only to take it off to reveal one ugly mother fucker underneath.
Let love come as a Predator tonight.
Let it love come dressed in only a fishnet and a loincloth
Let love be something out there, but it ain't no man.
Let love reveal itself to me in a climatic showdown
And disable its shoulder cannon.
Let low smack me around a bit.
Let it think it has the upper hand
And once love thinks its got me by the balls
I'll spit out a line like "Your move, pussy face."
Or I'll just scream, "C'mon, KILL ME!"
Over and over until I have love right where I want it.
Then I'll drop a bundle of logs that I couldn't possibly of hoistered up fifty feet into the air on top of it.
Then love will respect me.
It will treat me like its equal.
It will give me an old pistol to commemorate the occasion.
Or maybe it will just blow us both the fuck up.
However it ends
Let love come as a Predator tonight.

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