tomorrows gunna suck a little.
i have handbell, then super long mass (where i'm playing handbell music i dont know and singing many a god song i dont know) and then have tutoring and then choir. and THEN!!!!! project runway will be on. and that makes my life happy.
i'm so uber thankful for senor christopher. after a shitty weekend i have chris to take me to see corny chick flicks and feed me till i almost pop.. and to calm me down when i have a bad day.. and to tell me i'm not getting fat or im pretty.. and kiss me before class.. it really does make your day better when you walk into class feeling sexy rather than feeling like you look like crap. its all mental, and it doesnt change how i look, but i feel better knowing that he thinks i'm pretty. i know that sounds shallow and dumb, but it makes me happy. i do love me some chris lambert. tis all.