Because I'm feeling bored, I'm making up names for each of this icons. In Daughter of Evil style.
Basic ones will be coming first...
Rin, Daughter of Evil
Len, Servant of Evil
Miku, Daughter of Green
Kaito, Prince of Blue
Meiko, Daughter of Vengenace
Haku, Daughter of White
And now for my more... imaginable names. These guys probably already have ones, but whatever.
Luka, Priest of Pink
Gakupo, Prince of Purple
Lily, Dancer of Yellow
Gumi, (Al?)Chemist of Green
Miki, Daughter of Red
Iroha, Jester of Salmon
Kiyoteru, Scholar of Brown
Yuki, Student of Red
Teto, Joker of Drills
Neru, Daughter of Gold