Player Name: Miranda
Player LJ:
haunted_harmony Contact: aim: createdfirst
Character Number: First
Character: Aragorn II Elessar
Fandom: Lord of the Rings
Personality: Aragorn is all that you would expect in a King of man. He has a strong will, he does not give up easily. He can show moments of wittiness. He can be stoic and serious when the time calls as well. Steadfast and loyal, he will do what must be done, despite the risks to himself. Aragorn is not afraid to speak his mind. He is such a man that people naturally seem to follow him. Placing himself within this role even when he does not intend to. Despite these traits; he can exhibit some self doubt. These are moments that are internal; only his strength showed to most. One must be close within his inner circle to see this doubt; beyond the faint hint that may come into his eyes.
Aragorn is at the heart of it all a warrior king; his skill as a swordsman is something he takes pride in. He takes pride in his heritage as well; something that leads him into a sticky situation or two. As he will refuse to part with his blade even when threatened. It is a symbol of who he is and something he will not relinquish easily. Always, he will be on the side of good. The darker side of nature may touch him; but Aragorn has exhibited his ability to not be swayed in the fact that he does not fall prey to the ring as severely as some of the fellowship do. Certainly it calls to him; but in the end the side of good and what must be done will always win out. Aragorn will go to any lengths he must to save a companion who has been lost or captured.
He is a man who you can count on if he's a friend or even if he's not. He will defend those who can not defend themselves. But do not receive him as an enemy for Aragorn is a fearsome man when engaged in battle. He does not regret the taking of an enemies life; but he will mourn the passing of friend. Wanting to make sure they receive a proper burial, befitting the warrior they once were. It should be noted, Aragorn's heart belongs to Arwen; in the end she is the one he loves and as steadfastly loyal as he is to his companions so is he to her. His time among the elves has taught him a reverence for nature that many men would lack.
History: I will be bringing Aragorn in as they make the march upon The Black Gate of Mordor.
History Link ((Note: This link also contains some information on his personality, his weapons and abilities as well.))
More History Information Abilities: Aragorn is an above average swordsman. His adeptness with his weapon is exhibited time and again. Easily slashing through and impaling enemies. Even going so far as to throw the weapon to kill an enemy at long distances; only in severe cases where no other choice can be made. He also possesses some skill with a dagger and bow, both at the level of an adept wielder; though he seems to rely more heavily upon his sword. And it is no average sword, it is the sword which has been broken and reforged; the same blade that cut the ring for Sauron's finger once known as Narsil, it is now called Anduril. He is said to be the greatest swordsman of the Third age; surpassing possibly even Elrond himself. His skills due to his heritage are higher than that of your average man; but not overly so. Simply befitting a man of his station; he can stand in the thick of fighting and take down his enemy without obtaining to many injuries to himself. He is not immune to injury by any means; nor is he immortal. He does possess elven knowledge and skills as a healer. Particularly with the herb known as Kingsfoil. Aragorn's skill as a commander should be noted; as he fulfills this role in a way many can not. A natural born leader and fighter. These skills are ones he takes pride in and does not doubt his own ability when in battle. Due to his time among the rangers of which Aragorn was once more, one of the best known he has excellent hunting and tracking abilities as well.
Really to sum up his powers it would be easiest to say, Aragorn is warrior, a hunter, a tracker and a leader. And he always performs his best because he possesses skill and a strong will.
He does possess the Black Stone, which allows him to raise the Oathbreakers (Army of the Dead) This will not be brought with him as I feel it would be a useless weapon in this scenario since it is not his world.
Link to an image of the character: Aragorn stands at six foot six, a lean build that is well toned. He has dark, shaggy hair that filters around a pale skinned face. Slate gray eyes finish off the look, he'll almost always likely be found in his Ranger clothes (traveling clothes)Long coat made of soft leather, pants and shirt all in the same color black; with his his weapon never far from hand. Around his neck you will find the trinket given to him by his future wife and the love of his life.
Arwen's Gift PB is Viggo Mortenson Sample writing: It was not a slow coming to an awakened state for Aragorn. Immediately he was aware of many things, there was no smell of horses, fires, none of the things that should have touched his senses upon waking. This was not where he was supposed to be and of this he had no doubt; for Aragorn knew he was meant to be on the trail, marching for Mordor to help bring an end to war that had plagued Middle Earth for so long. Thus ushering man into a time of peace.
He was to his feet in a matter of only seconds; he could hear those faint giggles as well as feel the slight prick of the crown upon his head. He was no fool, when his hand touched to the object he could fathom it was for protection. Somehow he had been spirited away; this was not acceptable and he would receive his answers and find his way back to the people who were counting on his strength in the upcoming battle.
Anduril scrapes against it's scabbard as the future king withdraws his weapon. His form is tense as he assesses his surroundings and situation. "Come out and face me; cease your hidden laughter and games! I've no time to waste here." He may yell; but there is no hint of panic to his voice. It would serve him no good.
This is when his eyes fall upon the village; shrouded within the fog. Aragorn is quick to discern that any answers he may seek may be found within the heart of that village. His every sense is on alert as he leaves the place he had been resting. The faint glimmer from the white jewel around his neck; Awren's Gift; her immortality and the sign of their bond lent him a strength and will to forge ahead.
His steps are determined; his pace quick and within in little time he enters the village of Demeleier. The look of a warrior upon his face; any who dare to stand in his way now shall suffer his full wrath. This was not a time to play; so close were the people of Middle Earth to peace he would not and could not abandon them now. Once he has set foot within the village, he makes his presence known. Raising the blade of his ancestors high he announces his presence in a strong unwavering voice.
"I am Aragorn son of Arathorn, and am called Elessar, the Elfstone, Dúnadan, the heir of Isildur Elendil's son of Gondor. I demand you return me to rightful place in the upcoming battle. If you refuse; then I will be forced to end your life. Make your choice quickly!"
Sample journal entry: ((Note: All of Aragorn's entries will be in a text, handwritten format as he would lack any knowledge of technology or voice and video functions.))
Even here there is war, tell me good citizens what will you do? Will you stand and fight? Will stand for the side of good;triumph over the evil which threatens to invade these lands?
Tell me will you back down in the face of your enemy! I say nay! Not today, today we will stand. Today we will fight! A time will come when the will of those here will falter; but not today. Now join me brothers and sisters; stand with me and fight! Raise your blade against our enemy and strike them down with all that is in your hearts!