Name: Man-D
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Character name: Nagisa Sagan
Fandom: Loveless
Timeline: Immediately after Seimei breaks into Seven Voices, but before Ritsu confronts him. oho knowledge gap.
Age: she’s a 30-something, so for all reasonable purposes I think of her as 32.
~*Magical*~ abilities and strengths: She doesn’t really have any magical abilities shown in canon. Though there have been references to her being a part of the fighter-sacrifice system, no one knows for sure which she was, if she’s either. But as for normal strengths, she’s extremely intelligent (she has her doctorate!) and can create artificial human beings who feel no sense of pain. So she must be rather talented, medically and technologically.
How would they use their abilities?: Probably to save someone, if she had to- especially if it were one of her Zeroes that she was saving. She’s a fully licensed doctor, so she’s fit to make medical diagnoses. And she’d create more Zero models, if she could get her hands on another lab.
Appearance: Nagisa doesn’t look thirty- actually, she somewhat resembles a young, fit twenty-something, almost a teen. Her hair is cornflower blue and wavy- she likes to mess around with it to make it look unique, and wears it in pigtails a lot. She’s a strange one, often dressing up in cosplay or in Lolita costumes just to suit her fancy. She likes to pretend that she makes her own costumes, and usually is either way over the top or so completely normal that it’s shocking. She’s also rather tall and thin.
Oh, and she’s usually either scowling or smirking. Or just has her mouth open in some way, because she really likes to talk.
Background/Personality: There isn’t that much extensive background on Nagisa in canon. Most of what you can find comes in bits and pieces, so for this section I’ve taken what I can find based on what other characters have said.
When you first meet Nagisa, it’s as the devious, childish creator of the Zero teams. She’s easy to anger and very, very proud- she tells the Zero boys not to come home if they lose their battle against Soubi. Nagisa is one that doesn’t like to lose. She sees herself as competing against Ritsu, trying to create the perfect fighters and sacrifices. We can see how smug she gets when she thinks she’s won- she proudly displays Soubi’s earrings to Ritsu, and gets offended when he says that she’s cheated (which, incidentally, she has). All she wants is to win, completely and totally. It’s easy to see where the boys get their ruthlessness- Nagisa wants to tear Soubi apart, to prove her point.
When we look at Nagisa’s background, not much is known. In her past, however, she’s shown as having utter devotion to her sister, Sanae, much like Ritsuka’s devotion to Seimei. It’s obvious that she misses her sister a lot- canon doesn’t say what happened to her, but in headcanon her sister died. Nagisa is really lonely- she says that everyone leaves her and it hurts her when people grow up and leave her alone. Despite her anxious and whiny exterior, her real motive is to get people to notice her, and not leave her behind. She doesn’t really change; Nagisa still acts like a small child, even though she’s thirty years old.
About sixteen years before the start of Loveless, Nagisa created what she called the “ultimate fighting pair.” These artificially-created people can feel no pain, which Nagisa says makes them stronger than anyone else. Unfortunately, when you make human beings out of synthetic material, they all come out with the name Zero. She threatens her least favorite Zeroes- Natsuo and Yamato- that she can replace them as easily as she could snap her fingers. And truthfully, she could (and would). She keeps her precious favorites close to her heart- especially Youji, who is rumored to look like Sanae- and snaps at the others. She’s not above using violence to lash out when she’s angry (she slaps Youji when he offers to go attack Seimei).
It’s rumored that she was also in some sort of fighting pair herself, though not much is known about whom she was paired with or whether she was a fighter or a sacrifice. Headcanon says that she’s a fighter. She can sense battle radii like the pairs can, and often says things about battles that only an experienced fighter would know. Nagisa is also a member of Septimal Moon, though she denied it early on in the series. Not much is known about this organization. If canon holds true to families taking over for each other, Nagisa is most likely the replacement Septimal Moon member for Sanae, much like Ritsuka is supposed to be the replacement for Seimei.
Basically, she’s a crabby, lonely woman who tries not to let people get too close, in case they end up dead like her sister or hurting her like Ritsu seems to do. She doesn’t have that many friends- 7, she confesses, is her only one- and seems to regret this, even though in other cases she pushes everyone away like she doesn’t need any.
Tl;dr: she needs a hug.