This Legacy 1.3

Jun 23, 2011 07:31

Missed an Update?

Quick warning: This update is mostly birthdays with a little bit of cuteness tossed in. Sorry!

This. Is. Insanity!

Denton, while I think it's cute you've taken over Dallas' bed and room, the picture frame is kind of creepy.

Liberty spends some quality time with her dad....

Soon it was time for the quads to grow. First, Abi..

Abi is a family sim who likes unemployed people in their underwear. And formal wear? Yuck! Her secondary aspiration? Grilled cheese!

Austin's turn!

Austin is a knowledge sim who likes black-haired people in formal wear. She doesn't quite fancy those with brown hair, though. Her secondary aspiration is family.

Then it's time for Eden to blow out her candles...

For some reason, the picture of Eden's likes/wants didn't save, but:
Eden likes stinky poiticians as long as they're not wearing hats. And she rolled romance, ick! Her secondary aspiration is fortune.

And finally, Denton!

Denton is a popularity sim that likes athletic cleaners, as long as they aren't logical! His secondary aspiration is also grilled cheese.

Austin grew up with some pretty ugly clothes and hair, which she quickly dyed. She had not chance for heir, so I didn't mind her dying it. Her lifetime want is to Become the Hand of Poseidon.

Abi didn't grow up that bad. Her lifetime want is to reach her Golden Anniversary.

Eden also grew up nicely. Her lifetime want is to be a world class ballet dancer. Will she reach it? Who knows, as she is not heir.

Denton grew up quite nicely. His lifetime want is to become the Mayor (top of Politics career).

In case you aren't keeping track, the three in the running for heir currently is Dallas, Abi, and Denton- whom are now off to college!

For a moment, I regretted passing Eden up so quickly after seeing her adult beauty...

This is the last time you'll see Eden and Austin. Goodbye, to the neighborhood bin until I see you again!

With all of the kids gone or in Harper's case, asleep, Kendrick has a lot of time to do... well, whatever he wants. And he wanted to reach maximum enthusiasm in games. I decided to humor him.

The next day, Harper grows into Toddlerhood. Liberty doesn't take it so well (or rather, she doesn't take the cake so well...)

Harper is extremely adorable. But alas, just like his siblings before him. If he wants to be heir, he'd better do something special during his childhood.

Uh oh....


Marisa is creeping ever closer to perm plat.

What a good boy, Nick!

There ARE no paintings costing at least 5000 simoleons!

Harper joins his sister in childhood- at least for 3 days.


With the kids at school, Marisa spends her time reading. The house is eerily quiet, with Kendrick and Nick sleeping.

Dear Maid: You were so loyal to us, being there as Marisa gave birth and cleaning up after 6... 7... 8? kids, but with the kids fully grown and retirement age creeping closer, your services are no longer required.

That's a right shame! :(

Marisa reaches Perm Plat, 8 days before she's an elder :o Her new Lifetime want is to Become the Hand of Poseidon.

Harper is the only kid I've had so far this generation to run out to greet his dad :)

Kendrick and Liberty have a combined birthday...

Liberty is a fortune sim who likes muscular people in their swimsuits, but no elders/grey haired people please! Her lifetime want is to be a world class ballet dancer. Her secondary aspiration is popularity. She will not be heir, so she is grown to elder and moves out.

Kendrick begins to show his age, and I think white/grey hair looks rather poor on him sadly. He decides to cut his hair short after noticing it thining out.


Goodbye, Liberty!

Marisa's birthday snuck up on me rather quickly...

I believe she looks absolutely beautiful.

Elders are the cutest :D

Sorry Kendrick, you're a bit too old for another baby...

It's FINALLY birthday time!!

Harper is a family sim who likes either red heads or blondes, but none too charismatic. His lifetime want is to become the law. His secondary aspiration is popularity.

Here's Harper, all grown up. He WILL be in the running for heir :)

And that's it for this update! NEXT UP: College! At least for our 4 heir prospects ;)

sims 2, legacy: this

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