Sep 02, 2005 20:44
Oh, Don McLean. How could you be so very wrong?
Jul 08, 2005 02:45
At twelve hours and sixteen minutes, driving home from Ohio has to rank as the most mind-numbingly boring thing I have ever done.
Jul 01, 2005 00:13
Dear potential Marshalls of Nashua browsers,
Please. Fucking. Shower.
Jun 25, 2005 01:09
There are few things sweeter in this world than returning home after an evening of cavorting around to find a law enforcement officer talking to your father and having it transpire that your father called into the police station and insinuated that the local police are racists.
Jun 13, 2005 15:32
My driveway is being torn up and redone, but having seen Lords of Dogtown on Saturday, I want to shred that and an empty swimming pool (which I don't have) so bad. I don't even own a skateboard.
I hate how easily influenced I am by cool Hollywood films.
May 25, 2005 20:03
This is possibly the greatest fucking night of my life.
Employed, and Liverpool come back from three goals to force penalties and win it.
It is nights like this that make me realize how much I love football. Fucking hell.
I mean, seriously!
May 23, 2005 21:59
Yesterday concluded the worst season of soccer in recent memory.
Five games, two divisions, thirty-two goals allowed, two goals scored, and I was joint-top scorer with one goal.
Thanks for the memories.