Arizona is coming!!!!!
14 more days ohmawhgosh
jeeshhh a girl cant do anything with out people annoying her about it...
so okay lettme say something for all you couples who are one prosaic (spelling sorry) EVERY couple has their arguments....
and seriously if they want to tell you anything about their argument they WILL it gets sooo old/annoying
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Comments 11
jeesh it took me forever to find but its for you girls sooo I did..
then theres that one....
you just type in tightpants in the search thing and I dunno I just found it off of somone elses...
crap I wanted to go to the show Sunday but My parents are meeting Erica's, what time is it???
cause remember my blue eyed friend you said you would pick out my outfit
and my green eyed friend would do my hair and make-up or sumtin, anyways love ya
My parents are meeting the parents that are driving the boyfriends band so I can go on tour with them!!!
but what time???
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