[Sorry, Icarus. No view of the recently transformed city. Emma figures everyone can see that, so instead the camera focuses on her looking displeased with current events
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[And Belial thought the surprise flood of an entire city's worth of feelings and desires was uncomfortable. He's gotta admit, seeing someone even worse off makes him feel a little better about it.]
Actually, a strong drink sounds excellent right now.
[Being broadcast loud and clear just for you, dear~]
I wouldn't dare think of making a lady pay, of course. [And hey, he could even get the two of them a nice little discount. Just a little bit of practice, making sure everything is still in working order. If he ever finds the being that took them away in the first place....] Though it may take me a few minutes to get there, so if you happen to already know a place.
If you ever find the being that did this, I do hope you let me have a turn with it first.
[She may be mostly reformed, but she's also really really pissed at whatever entity did this.]
Unfortunately, I haven't had much opportunity to check out the bar scene in Icarus, and right now my head feels like it's being stabbed with a billion tiny flaming needles. So if you know of a place that isn't a complete dive, that would be fantastic.
Comments 42
Actually, a strong drink sounds excellent right now.
You all right, luv?
I'll be fine.
[She still sounds a little shaky though. Going a month without powers and then suddenly thoughts is taking a while to get used to.]
Just a rather large amount of psychic feedback. Will you be buying the drinks then?
I wouldn't dare think of making a lady pay, of course. [And hey, he could even get the two of them a nice little discount. Just a little bit of practice, making sure everything is still in working order. If he ever finds the being that took them away in the first place....] Though it may take me a few minutes to get there, so if you happen to already know a place.
[She may be mostly reformed, but she's also really really pissed at whatever entity did this.]
Unfortunately, I haven't had much opportunity to check out the bar scene in Icarus, and right now my head feels like it's being stabbed with a billion tiny flaming needles. So if you know of a place that isn't a complete dive, that would be fantastic.
Are you alright? The hell just happened?
[She's quite willing to put up with it for now since her telepathy is back.]
Though like I said earlier, I wouldn't turn down something to dull the pain a bit.
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