Just Tell Her You Think She is amazing ...Play with her hair,
Pick her up and Pretend to throw her, She will scream & fight
but she will secretly love it, hold her hand, pick flowers from
other peoples yards and give them to her... tell her she looks
Beautiful... Tell Her Stupid jokes just to hear her laugh ..Throw
rocks at her window at night Play in the Snow Call her for no
reason jump on the bed with her Sing to her [ No matter how
Bad You are ] .. Get Her Mad . . . . . . . . . Then Kiss Her
..When She least expects it <3
Love is like a picture,that only two can see.
Love is something that can make 2 people go crazy.
Its something like having a smile on your face.
Or have a feeling that no one can replace.
You can't stop thinking about them.
And you dont' think you will again.
Things happen in life that you cant stop but that doesnt mean
you should shut out the rest of the world -- Now and Thenxo
Tonight I just want to dance with you
smile like you really mean it
you make me feel alrite for once in my life
i want him to come up to me
and tell me in person that he loves me
dOn't yOu wish yOu cOuld go back
tO the best memOry Of yOur life
and live it [ f O r e v e r ]
I want someone who will Hug me right..
Hold me forever..
and whisper in my ear..
"Don`t worry..everything's gonna be alright.."
Only Fall For Someone..
Who Would Catch You..
Who Would Fall For You Too..
Who Will Always Be There..
When You Call Them And You Tease Eachother, No One Gets Mad..
When He Can HangOut With You And Your Friends..
Who Will Love You E n d l e s s ly*
Tears are words
That we cant say
In front of the
Ones we love <3
As Soon as You Get Online, Whose
Name Do U Look for First? When a
S L O W Song Comes on the Radio..
Whose Face Comes to Your Mind
First? When You Hear Your Phone
Ringing.. Who Do U Hope it Is Calling?
Whose Name Makes Your Stomach twirl?
Maybe that's just how it is
when your mind and you body
and your heart and your soul
are in total agreement with each other.
Maybe that's how it is
when it's real love
theres a lot more but im going to take a shower