1 Starting time: 10:21 pm
2 Name: Meridith
3 Nicknames: mer, meri, mer-bear
4 School: stevenson high school
5 E-mail:
merryfavor@hotmail.com 6 Eyes: brown
7 Hair: brown
9 Siblings: an older brother and an older sister
10 Have you ever been cheated on: yes
11. Ever missed school because it was raining: i dont think so
12 Set any body part on fire for amusement: no im not a pyro unlike some people
13 Kept a secret from everyone: yeah
14 Had an imaginary friend? umm no voices r so much better
15 Do you speak another language?: i took french for a few years but that doesnt mean i speak it...
16 cried during a movie: only a few
17 Had a crush on a teacher: gross no
20 Ever prank called someone: not since i was like 13
21 Been on stage: yeah!!
22 Shampoo: brunette
23 Color: orange!
24 Summer/Winter: i like both for different reasons
27 Like Anyone? yeah
28 Best Friends: mary jackie lauren bryan brian brandt danielle
29 Have you ever hit one of your friends?: umm i dont know
30 Cried with some one? yeah
31 Broken the law? somewhere a long the line
-----------IN THE LAST 2 WEEKS HAVE YOU------------
33) Cried: umm yes
34) Lied: no
35) Shaved: yes
36) Been sarcastic: yeah
37) Met someone new: yeah it was weird
38) Missed someone: yeah
40) Hugged someone: yes
42) Wished upon a star: yeah! wait was that with in two weeks...?
44) Played Truth or Dare: nope
45) Watched a sunrise/sunset: sunset
46) Went to the beach at night: well the beach at my aunts! theres frogs they creep me out
47) Read a book for fun: sadly yes...i've been bored
48) Watched a movie you didnt like?: yeah
49) Are you lonely: when no one is around lol
50) Are you happy: when im i not happy?
51) Talking to someone online?: i would be if bryan was home!
---------DO YOU BELIEVE IN -----------
52) God/Devil: yes
53) Love: yeah
54) The Closet Monster: umm well i cant sleep with my closest open...lol
55) Heaven/Hell: yeah
56) Who named you: my parents
57) Backstreet Boys or N Sync: old school nsync but the backstreet boys r amazing now
57) Where do you want to live? on the ocen or on a lake
62) What was the last thing that you said to someone online: i miss you lol
64) What is your computer desk made of: woodish stuff
65) do you have a computer in your room: no
66) Do you want kids?: yessss
67) Where would you want to go on your honeymoon?: anywhere im not picky
70) What did you do yesterday? hung out with brandt
71) Sour/ sweet: sweet.
72) Vanilla/chocolate: vanilla.
73) Favorite tv show: real world
75) What do you want to be when you grow up: advertising? i dont really know
76) Coffee/ tea: coffee!!
77) Favorite music: almost everything
78) Taco bell/mcdonalds: taco bell cuz its amazing!
79) Favorite food: chez-itz!
80) Favorite day of the week: saturday
81) Ran into a parked car?: ahaha umm i dont know what ur talking about
82) Coke/Pepsi: coke
83) If you could change your name, what would it be?: i kinda like my name its cuz not one u see everyday
84) Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: no if i had on that was worth it lol then maybe i would
85) The most stupid thing u ever done: oh god...i dont know u tell me
86) First Son's name: zach
88) First daughter: ryle
89) Gotten hit by a car: umm i dont think so
90) You like scary or funny movies better?: scary if im with people but i like funny stuff
91) On the phone or in person: in person!
92) Lust or Love: love
93) If you could change something about your self: i never really thought about it, i kinda like myself
94) Do you consider cheerleading a sport?: well the ones that do gymnastics
95) Do you have pets: yeah
96) Are You in love: does it matter?
97)Righty/lefty: righty.
98) Shoe size: it depends on the shoe
99) Can u pop any body parts: yeah my thumb and elbow...
100) Do you want your friends to do this survey: no im just really bored
Ending Time: 10:33 pm