Title: Hardened Criminals
Rating: G
Word Count: 206
Summary: Mal doesn't want the crew to know what their cargo is.
Notes: Written as one (of hopefully two) of
allfireburns's Christmas fics. Love you, ai ren.
Disclaimer: I'm not Joss. So I don't own them. Gorramit.
I'm goin' to go to my bunk, see if I can salvage my dignity. )
Comments 2
"Yes sir?"
"What're they lookin' at?"
"Wobbly headed geisha dolls, sir."
I can hear that so perfectly in my head. Oh God. It's beautiful. *LOVES*
I was looking at your request list and it just... those lines right there, that you quoted, were just there, I could hear them so clear, and I had to write it. ^_^
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