I love the clique. It's amazing how well we get along together. I'm super glad I got to know these idiots. What would we do without each other? These are the people I'm going to love forever :)
My bestest friend in the whole wide world! Known her since forever, way back in Secondary 1, when we both had awful hair, awful fashion sense, awful humour, awful everything. This girl knows every last thing about me and even though we might get really mad at each other and hate each other at times and find each other utterly disgusting, IT'S OKAY because we're BFFs. Love you betch.
This girl thinks she's a bunny. I never even knew she existed before January last year. And even then, I thought she was scary and intimidating. Probably cause she's so big. And looked like an ahma. But first impressions are misleading, and in June of 2007, we became a couple <3 Since then, it was one steamy sexytime after another. Though we've had our fair share of little bumps in our relationship, we always manage to kiss and make up (out) every time.
She is the scariest small girl ever. Her favourite hobby is tormenting Joe and Steffi. Her second favourite hobby is leaving her things everywhere so we can pick them up for her. She loses her wallet about 3 times a day, and her mobile phone, anywhere from 5 to 10. She also loves telling everybody, and I mean everybody, how weird I am and how disgusting I am. I know, she just loves me. That much is obvious.
People recognize Weishan from the size of her feet. Which are about the size of earthworms. But if they're too lazy to look down, they can also recognize her from her moustache. Which, by the way, looks very fetching on her. In fact, out of all the moustached humans I know, I think she's probably the one who can pull off the look with the most style and panache. Of course, it all looks even better when she's Cherry Tomato Red, after she's had a few delicate sips of Tiger.
When we're through with school, I'm going to miss hanging out with these girls the most. I'm going to miss staying over in the TSD room.
I'm going to miss getting down and dirty painting shit for our TSD play.
I'm going to miss random house parties during school holidays.
I'm going to miss dressing up and parading around, all of us proudly looking like idiots.
I'm going to miss dressing up being totally glamourous in the TSD room.
I'm going to miss camwhoring at the most inappropriate moments.
I'm going to miss doing shit like this.
And I'm going to miss doing shit like this.