today i realized i should've dusted off this account earlier for the sake of spreading the word, but better late than never (& god knows i'm nothing if not consistently late)...
i'm moving to san francisco!
yup, its true... its been a possibility lurking in the back of my mind for the last year or so, but after getting passed up for the p|xar gig i interviewed for last december (*grump*) b/c i wasn't already living down there, i've been looking into it more seriously. the deciding factor here was that the company is going into another hiring phase this fall, & i discovered that kaiser (where i've been temping for nearly a year) has put on a hiring freeze which meant i was going to have to move to cheaper digs anyway since my paychecks haven't been making ends meet... i don't actually have a job in the bay yet (*gasp!*) but i do have an amazing $400 room in a fantastic queer/cat/420 friendly household waiting for me in the sunset district.
my friend kes -the diabetic girl in sf who i donated becca's leftover insulin/testing supplies to- is donating a long weekend of her time to drive a moving van from sf to pdx & back for me (lets hear it for the platonic lesbian u-haul support network! yay for having some good moving-helper karma to cash in on) so on sept 25th i start loading shit into a truck... it looks like our timing will actually land me in sf the night of the 27th, which means my very first full day as a bay area resident will coincide w/ the
folsom street fair! =D what a pervtastic welcome to my new home!!
@ any rate, its all exciting & terrifying & promising & challenging & so many other things all rolled up into one... portland has been my stomping ground since the tender age of 18 & i have an incredible group of friends here who have seen me through the sky falling & my world crumbling, who have dealt w/ my crazy shit w/ love & acceptance, who have tolerated my strange hermit-like habits & made me feel supported in situations where i couldn't even see how i was going to get through the next 5 minutes let alone the next year. @ the same time, the streets here are haunted for me by memories that -though cherished & incredibly valuable- are painful to be awash in every day... i've stayed long enough that i don't think leaving is running, but simply being honest about the fact that i'm not doing myself any good by subjecting myself to a daily gauntlet run of emotional triggers. its been a really hard decision, & sf will bring its own batch of emotions & memories to the surface for me to confront, but the timing feels right for this change.
portland & my friends here will always be in my heart (& lets be realistic, i will unquestionably be among the sign waving "kiss a sketchy alumni" crowd @ next renn fayre) but the bay has been calling me for a long time now - its taken a lot of work for me to wrap my head around making this move my own & not me just walking in lockstep along my half of the path that becca & i had planned for our future, & i can finally say i'm ready to do this for myself. pinballing slowly from one irrelevant temp gig to another while living hand to mouth was never going to satisfy me, whereas my gut says sf has untapped potential for my future adventures.
my life is in turmoil but its the riotous upheaval of change that i invited rather than the frantic scrabbling to stay in one place that i've been doing for so long now... its fucking scary -make no mistake, i'm shaking in my fucking boots w/ fear as much as i am w/ anticipation- but the devil i know is finally less appealing to me than the devil i don't, so i'm breaking out of my long term confort zone & diving into the world @ large.
for my pdx people - i love you guys, damnit, & i'm gonna miss you all like crazy... words don't even begin to cover who incredibly fortunate i am to have found such a collection of friends, i count myself as so fucking lucky to know all of you & am honored to have shared the experiences we've shared. growing up in hawaii braced me for a lifetime of having thousands of miles btwn me & people who i adore, so please know that though i'll be distant in the flesh i'll be thinking about you all w/ great fondness & frequency.
for my other pacnw-ers - i really hoped i was gonna be able to visit the washington crew more than i did, but i know the bay is a common destination for many of you so i hope you'll look me up when you find yourselves down there 'cause i'll miss you bastards too! (ditto for those of you that have gone farther afield - if you find yourself on the west coast in my neck of the woods you should drop me a line, i'd love to have visitors)
& finally for those of you who are already in CA - holy shit dudes, incooooooming!!!!!!!! =O
so, yeah, fuck! for financial reasons i'm working out in clackamas (*retch*) m-f 7a-4p right up until my friend gets here w/ the truck on the 25th, but i'm also trying to see folks whenever possible before that... tonight i'll be hitting the eagle for some queer sillyness & bootshining (heh, long story, it'd rock to have company) & tomorrow i'll be @ a birthday party/potluck, but other than an unbreakable commitment the eve of the 24th my nights are free & i would love love love to be able to say my farewells in person =) i still suck @ emailing/using these social networking sites w/ any frequency, but i'm better about answering my phone these days so send me a text or gimme a ring & we'll try to coordinate schedules... five oh three - two oh one - thirty thirty <3