n a m e
Aerith Gaisborough
h i s t o r y
Here m e m o r i e s
b e l o n g i n g s
Hair ribbon
r e l a t i o n s h i p s
Ike - Casual friend; seems really nice, but needs to know how to unwind.
Gaignun - Friend; not quite as stuffy as she thought he would be, would like to get to know him more.
Shinigami - Friend; thought that he was really weird at first, but has come to like his company. May be a little smarter than he lets on, though.
Jr - Friend; really sweet kid, and a lot of fun to talk to.
Soul Eater Evans - Casual friend; very "cool" person, would like to talk to him again.
Suou Tamaki - Brief encounter; extremely courteous.
Terra Bradford - Casual friend; very sweet but somewhat aloof. Would love to spend more time with her, since she feels somewhat akin to her strangely enough.
Nina - Casual friend; lots of fun, would like to spend more time with her in the future.