(no subject)

Nov 20, 2003 17:27

I feel like bitching and not making any sense. You can read if you're that desperate.

Funny how moods can change so quickly, especially for me. Right now, I feel like kicking the shit out of someone, but I can easily fake being happy. I did it pretty well throughout the day. Everyone was pissing me off. Ever have a day where it's just so obvious how terrible people really are? Like you can see through everyone? That was my day. My Asshat-Radar was off the scale. I know I'm not the nicest person sometimes and I can be insensitive, but I was amazed at the amount of people that just DON'T CARE how you feel. I realize there's a time and a place for sympathy, but damn... has the world really become that cold? Like I said, I can be insensitive, but that's because I know that somewhere, someone always has a deeper, more serious problem... or that nothing is as bad as it seems. There's always tomorrow, you know. But even so, I was just feeling the bad vibes from everyone I came across today. I don't know if it was just me and my over-analytical "abilities," but I was on the verge of tears at least three times today because of people just being plain mean. Compared to a few years ago, I've really tried to start and give people the benefit of the doubt and to get to know them before I decide whether I like them or not, it's just a shame others can't do that. And.. regardless of whether I like them or not, I try to be friendly. I'm nice until people give me a reason not to be. ...Okay, so I lied about just being on the verge of crying. How lovely for it all to happen at the dinner table. How lovely for my brother to say "Yeah, didn't think you were that fat" when I asked if he was gonna eat the last piece of fish. Fuck this man. I hate crying.
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