Title: The Captain and the Pathologist Part 4: The Laundry Words: 1,590 Rating: T Summary: When Martin lies about having a girlfriend, he becomes desperate to find a date to the MJN Christmas party. Luckily he meets a lovely morgue attendant willing to help.
Title: The Captain and the Pathologist Part 3: The Argument Words: 1,098 Rating: T Summary: When Martin lies about having a girlfriend, he becomes desperate to find a date to the MJN Christmas party. Luckily he meets a lovely morgue attendant willing to help.
Title: The Captain and the Pathologist Part 2: The Meeting Words: 1,648 Rating: T Summary: When Martin lies about having a girlfriend, he becomes desperate to find a date to the MJN Christmas party. Luckily he meets a lovely morgue attendant willing to help.
Title: The Captain and the Pathologist--Part 1 Words: 570 Rating: T Summary: When Martin lies about having a girlfriend, he becomes desperate to find a date to the MJN Christmas party.
My first attempt at a Cabin Pressure fanfiction and crossover! Expect all sorts of fluff to ensue! :3
Title: Sitting Sherlock --Part 4 Fandom: Sherlock Rating: PG Genre: Humor, fun, fluff Word count: 1,130 Summary: Sherlock. As a baby sitter. Perhaps not the best idea. (Now featuring 100% more children!)
Title: Sitting Sherlock --Part 3 Fandom: Sherlock Rating: PG Genre: Humor, fun, fluff Word count: 2, 123 Summary: Sherlock. As a baby sitter. Perhaps not the best idea. (Now featuring 100% more children!)
Title: Sitting Sherlock --Part 2 Fandom: Sherlock Rating: PG Genre: Humor, fun, fluff Word count: 1,531 Summary: Sherlock. As a baby sitter. Perhaps not the best idea. (Now featuring 100% more children!)