he's not infectious any more cause his spots came in properly now. more like a rash than spots is measles- ever fallen in poison ivy? like that. if you want to be safe wait another couple of days.
aye same. you up to much tuesday? im going round our new place to put some shelves up and that, you want to come see it?
measles, mate, not chicken pox. that was last year. poor sod. you probably got a jab against it in primary though. hes still a bit flat but he's getting better, as soon as hes trying to get away from indoors i'll know hes on the mend.
Comments 16
I miss u all the time xx
aye same. you up to much tuesday? im going round our new place to put some shelves up and that, you want to come see it?
Sure thing, dolly <3 Can u come help me with sth as well afterwards???
aye i can help. sorry lass its difficult getting online. laters x
Nice one on the flat an all :-) you gonna have a housewarmin party?
cheers. aye probably, knowing him. any excuse eh?
I'll give you a text an nip over, hows he doin now?
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