+1+ Your Name Is: Janelle
+2+ You Were Born In: Hackensack, NJ
+3+ Your Birthday is: Oct. 16
+4+ The Name Of Your Parent(s): Stacey and Mike
+5+ The Name(s) OF Your Sibling(s): Lauren
+6+ Type Of House You Live In: um, one with 4 sides?
+7+ What states have you been to: NJ, NY, Vermont, Pennsylvania, and Florida
+8+ Color Of Your Bathing Suit: blue
+9+ Color Of Eyes: Brown
+10+ Favorite Color: pink or blue
+11+ Favorite Movie(s): Pretty in Pink, Sixteen Candles, Revenge of the Nerds, The Breakfast Club, Ferris Bueller, Finding Nemo
+12+ Favorite TV Show(s): 24, Everwood
+13+ Favorite Band(s): Dashboard Confessional, Juliana Theory and (singer)Clay Aiken
+14+ Favorite Actor: Keifer Sutherland and Gregory Smith <33
+15+ Favorite Item of Clothing: nice sweatshirt and stretch pants - me = lazy
+16+ Other Screen Names: JellyJan2, thisisatestBOOM, hellomynameisabu, cheesewizforme -- DON'T ASK!
+17+ School: Wayne Hills
+18+ Smoke Cigarettes: never
+19+ Favorite Restaurant: California Pizza Kitchen and fast food is Burger King :)
+20+ Person Of Interest Right Now: a boy in mind...
+21+ Ever Gone Skinny Dipping: haha!! nope, not yet ;)
+22+ Best Friend: Don't reallie have one, but maybe Lindsay and Caren
+23+ Favorite Candy: M&Ms, cookie dough bites
+24+ Favorite Person To Talk To On-line: Dave Nye - haha he's funny to talk to
+25+ Honeymoon: Paris or Hawaii
+26+ Place To Vacation: Florida but I reallie wanna go to Cali and Hawaii
+27+ Scariest Movie: Gremlins - something about that shit just gets to me
+28+ Funniest Movie: South Park,
+29+ Stupidest Movie: umm....can't think of one right now
+30+ Hobbies: singing, AIM, music, acting
+31+ Toothpaste: anything minty
+32+ Your Toothbrush color: purple
+33+ Favorite Holiday: Thanksgiving
+34+ Favorite Day Of The Week: Friday
+35+ Lucky Number: 8 or 12
+36+ Favorite Season: Winter
+37+ Nationality: ummm, Russian, Polish and Czeckjfsolavkian (dunno how to spell)
+38+ College Going To Go To: Duke or U Michigan
+39+ Favorite Comic: betty archie comics!!!
+40+ Favorite Super Hero: Storm from X-Men
+41+ TV commercial with best clothes: haha?!?
+41+ Favorite Store: abercrombie and fitch's sale rack....and woodbury commmons outlets
+42+ TV show you would like to live on: EVERWOOD!! or I might wanna be like Back Bauer on 24's other daughter
+43+ Favorite Song(s): Bend and Not Break - Dashboard Confessional
+44+ Favorite Sport: No sports for me, but I used to play softball and it was ok
+45+ Worst Mistake You Ever Made: well i don't like to regret, but maybe not living up to my full potential
+46+ Ever Been In Love: Yea, once
+47+ If you were an animal, what would you be: hmmm, a monkey - I love them
+48+ Last CD You Bought: gosh, I reallie don't - I burn them...but I think that it was Taking Back Sunday??
+49+ Last Movie You Saw: Elf
+50+ Favorite TV channel: DISNEY CHANNEL - yea Lizzy Mcguire!!
+51+ Ever Been Arrested: nope
+52+ Ever Been In An Accident: yea
+53+ Ever Had To Have Surgery:nope
+54+ Kind Of Bike You Had As A Kid: ummm, one with 2 wheels and handlebars.
wow - what a trip!