stay away from financing things you really don't need to be financing. sure, it's of COURSE a better rate than a credit card, but it's useless financing.
financing is good for getting a house (because who, really, has $150,000 cash laying around?), getting a reasonable car, and that's about it. the more things you can pay for with the money you have, the better. kari beth and i want a huge bad ass LCD tv, but we're saving up for it, and hope to have it in 6-12 months. i would NEVER finance that at, say, best buy. i don't want to owe someone else money. it's just not worth it. i'd rather save and have the satisfaction of paying for it all up front and not giving more money to the LENDERS. those guys are ruthless, and you open yourself up to more crap by lending from anyone. you basically just add that much more to your monthly expenses. instead, save that much or a little more in a reserve until you have enough. that way, a catastrophic event like a car wreck won't wipe you out.
Neil financed his and I don't think has had any problem with that. I don't necessarily recommend financing since it's just one more thing to pay every month, but at the same time it gets you the computer a lot quicker. As long as you don't have to pay interest it's cool. I definitely endorse apple products too. If you get one you should order it from Apple or buy it somewhere where you can get a student discount. That can save you a bundle. I definitely recommend getting the warranty on the computer too, it's just a little extra and if anything happens to your computer in that time period they'll fix it or give you a new one
Comments 5
financing is good for getting a house (because who, really, has $150,000 cash laying around?), getting a reasonable car, and that's about it. the more things you can pay for with the money you have, the better. kari beth and i want a huge bad ass LCD tv, but we're saving up for it, and hope to have it in 6-12 months. i would NEVER finance that at, say, best buy. i don't want to owe someone else money. it's just not worth it. i'd rather save and have the satisfaction of paying for it all up front and not giving more money to the LENDERS. those guys are ruthless, and you open yourself up to more crap by lending from anyone. you basically just add that much more to your monthly expenses. instead, save that much or a little more in a reserve until you have enough. that way, a catastrophic event like a car wreck won't wipe you out.
and i'm lame.
and it's obvious i don't know what i'm talking about.
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