Dec 13, 2010 00:01

[If you were expecting a whiny teenager on the network giving an exasperated sigh over how the mansion took far too long with its decorating when it obviously could have just been done in about ten seconds as usual, well. You'll be very surprised. Instead, the camera has turned on by itself, and it's angled down...much farther than usual ( Read more... )

christmas event, most sparkly beautiful boa ever, too short for everything ever, video/action/whatever, five years old, the most fabulous child ever, santana, sora, dad, no it's mine it has my name on it, event, tim, what's this? event

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Comments 141

ACTION TIME itsahotone December 13 2010, 05:18:48 UTC
[Santana's not completely immune to Christmas spirit, believe it or not. She's only mostly annoyed with the way the mansion took forever to pushily decorate the whole place, and part of that is because it kinda makes her miss Brittany and her Santa-believing. Yes, Santana knew before, okay.

But her slight Christmas spirit doesn't extend to rugrats.]

Oh, great. More kids just running around without supervision.


ACTION TIME thisisherson December 13 2010, 05:27:12 UTC
[Kurt clearly doesn't recognize Santana. Not even a little. But she's talking about him, and he knows it, so he pouts!]

I am not! [...Wait. ...Wait, yes he was. Oh. Oops. He looks around like maybe he just misplaced his parents or something.

WELL WHATEVER. He's not too worried for now, mostly because he's distracted by this new person. He's just going to look up at her curiously.] Who are you? ...Your skirt's really short.



ACTION TIME itsahotone December 13 2010, 05:36:12 UTC
[Since he is a little kid and not a hot teenager-or-older, Santana will just roll her eyes at the observation, her hands on her hips.]

Santana. And I'm a cheerleader, of course my skirt's short.


ACTION TIME thisisherson December 13 2010, 05:49:16 UTC
[The lightbulb seems to click on in his head. She's a real cheerleader like the kind that cheer for sports his dad watches!] Oh! Really? You're a cheerleader?

Sometimes my Power Rangers are cheerleaders, when they're not getting married. The Pink Ranger is the top of the pyramid, but she doesn't stay up very well. I think she's going to get fired soon. [Firm, serious nod. The Blue Ranger's been wanting to give it a try for a while now anyway.]


Actiony Action! timisnotme December 13 2010, 10:18:58 UTC
*Tim has left his room. SHOCK AWE. He's still wearing his white mental hospital patient scrubs but he looks slightly more jovial now that he has a tall glass of eggnog. He looks down at the sparkle encrusted Kurt. Too bad they haven't met before and he has no idea this is a miniature copy of the guy who wants to burn down his wardrobe. He smirks a bit when Kurt falls over.*

You okay?


Actiony Action! thisisherson December 13 2010, 17:49:23 UTC
[Oh no! Someone saw him fall down! Did he look not-okay? Kurt adjusts his boa before answering.]

Uh-huh. [And then in his most grown-up voice-] I'm fine.


Actiony Action! timisnotme December 13 2010, 20:55:06 UTC
Suuuure you are.

You're wearing tinsel.

*Smooth Tim. Like he can give fashion advice. Even to six year olds.*


Actiony Action! thisisherson December 14 2010, 01:36:33 UTC
So? You're wearing hospital clothes. They're probably germy and gross, and they look awful.



[action] cuz i couldn't stay away trinityaffinity December 14 2010, 01:46:42 UTC
[ Sora was around to see Kurt try to get to that stocking, and he was ready to shout and tell him that's not how Christmas works, when he grabs the tinsel instead. Sora doesn't think of the tinsel as a boa, but a scarf instead. A scarf that won't keep the other boy warm at all, not ever! So, because he is a good person who is honestly concerned about Kurt's body temperature, Sora walks right up to tell him that he needs something else. ]

That scarf's not gonna work much. You need something bigger and fluffier.


[action] I'd never want you to <3 thisisherson December 14 2010, 01:59:09 UTC
It's a boa. [Is there seriously no one who knows what a boa is?! Gosh! People need to read more magazines.] You know, like movie stars and famous people wear.

[And he flicks it over his shoulder again to emphasize that it's obviously supposed to be awesome and beautiful, duh. But then he looks a little concerned.]

Is it really cold out here? Maybe a scarf would be better...[Aw, but he wants his movie star boa!]


[action] trinityaffinity December 14 2010, 02:15:50 UTC
Those long things that look like scarfs?

[ All the famous people at home who wear boas are girls, Sora remembers; sometimes the girls in his class wear boas with their Halloween costumes. He can tell Kurt is a boy just like he is, but he's doing something girly. This is challenging everything he's ever known! ]

I thought only girls can wear boas. How come you are?


[action] thisisherson December 14 2010, 02:33:31 UTC
[Kurt looks kind of offended, but he probably gets that from the other boys in school already. Best thing to do? Act like you totally know better than the other person.]

...Because I can. And because I want to. It's pretty. Girls shouldn't be the only ones who get to wear them just because they're girls.


notundermyroof December 14 2010, 03:23:58 UTC

[Uh. Well. That's weird.]

[Kind of hurts, if he's going to be honest with himself. Takes him back to a time when things were easier, when the only problems Kurt had were little kid problems and his mother was still around. He wonders how old Kurt is exactly... wonders if he knows. But... it's not like he can just ignore his now-teeny son, so he's just gonna push on through this conversation.]

...Need help getting to that stocking, kiddo?


thisisherson December 14 2010, 03:35:38 UTC

[Excuse him while he rushes over and latches onto your leg. He didn't know where you were for a whole I don't know how long!]

Uh-huh. It's too high. [But this isn't a problem anymore because DAD is here, and he's TALL.]

...Dad, where are we? Did Santa come early and bring us a new house? It's really nice. [DAD WILL KNOW BECAUSE HE'S DAD.]


notundermyroof December 14 2010, 04:09:18 UTC
[Burt pats Kurt on the head, inadvertently messing with his coiffure.]

[...Okay, so does he freak Kurt out by explaining the truth, or come up with something nicer?]

[Well, the kid already believes in Santa. Another white lie won't hurt.]

Santa's pretty busy right now, son. Got that list to check and all. As for this place, it's uh... we're takin' a little vacation. You like it?


thisisherson December 14 2010, 04:33:50 UTC
[Kurt makes a face, but he fixes his hair after, so it's okay. He seems to accept his Dad's lies as true facts though, so he nods.] You're right; he's probably busy.

[His whole face lights up when he's talking about the mansion though, and he starts talking at the speed of light.] Uh-huh! It's really big in here, and it's all decorated for Christmas, and I think I saw a hippo, and that Christmas tree is bigger than our house, and I met a cheerleader named Santana and she showed me the magic kitchen and she gave me cupcakes and- oh!

[Oh! Right! Where'd he put those...oh there they are! He has two cupcakes saran-wrapped individually in his pockets. They're a little squished, but they're not contaminated or anything. He holds them out to his dad.]

I saved one for you and Mom. Where is she?


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