Just finished. Oh my god.
This game.
This ending was completely dramatic and emotional. I'm still shaking from it. The battles were tough (I used up my max revives...) and the cutscenes, explanation... everything. For the longest time, I wondered why Ghetsis was like... doing nothing and letting N battle me all the time. And now I know. N POOR BB I WANT TO HUG YOU. I'm sorry I said that you were annoying when I first encountered you!! COME BACK. T_T
I can't decide which generation I like better. For the longest time, Gen III was my favorite. Actually it still is in terms of Pokemon (I still haven't learned all the ones from Gen V). But storyline wise... AAAARGH.
Also. I'm kinda mopey now that the game is done. I know I should do post-game stuff but...
I miss N.