First real memory of something: getting stuck in the unfilled pool we had in cali.
*First Best Friend: chris
*First kiss: ...martin..
*First screen name: i dont remember i think something like fartface iunno
*First self purchased album: iunno.
*First pets: i had a dog named ernie.. after the guy on sesame street.
*First piercing/tattoo: my ear when iw as like 1 or somehting
*First credit card: i don't have a credit card.
*First enemy: iunno.
*First big trip: um probably to colombia.
*First play/musical/performance: like first grade. you know... the ones you have at your school.
*First musician you remember hearing in your house: no doubt. when i was little and my sister listened to them.
*Last cigarette: before my sister left.
*Last big car ride: i guess to here... i hate it here.
*Last good cry: maybe yesterday. but that wasn't a good cry.
*Last library book checked out: wow. i dunno.
*Last movie seen: edward scissorhands
*Last beverage drank: water
*Last food consumed: cheetos
*Last phone call made: iunno.
*Last TV show watched: i don't really watch tv.
*Last time showered: yesterday morning
*Last shoes worn: my vans.
*Last item bought: altoids
*Last ice cream eaten: those snicker things at the gas station.
*Last shirt worn: big d
*Last time you were hurt: physically or emotionally? physically: this mornign i hit my head. emotionally: i dunno..
*Last time you were really happy: tuesday.