Music: definitely not Rilo Kiley again...
Pictures from last week that I've had since Monday but haven't gotten around to it... yeah. We stalk Saves The Day. And you don't, haha!
Hey Mercedes.
Amen, brethren.
Eben, trying to look all serious and brooding.
I suck.
Dave is mondo cooler than you.
Put that out, you bitch.
During "This Is Not An Exit".
Stalker photo #1. Eben and us all rainy and weird.
Stalker photo #2. Dave.
Stalker photo #3. Hey, thanks for "This Is Not An Exit". And your ice, which we stole cause we were thirsty.
Stalker photo #4. We are so creepy, this is so sick that I'm posting this. OHHH WELL.
Talked to Rachel for long time tonight on the telephone. That was nice.
My parents hate me again, eh, what else is new? Everyone's parents are fucking nuts.
Let's go dance on the deck pleaaase. =( But nooo today just has to suck like no other.