
Jun 03, 2004 20:34

Music: "Black Comedy" by Bright Eyes

Apologies for temporary size problems on some of the photos, I don't really know what's up with it but I'll fix it later. Some look really different from the prints... oh well...

kathy kathy kathy you're on fire fire fire!

night is far better than day, my

kaitlyn, seriously, stop smoking all that weed.

pink jackets light things on fire!!!

this is too small to do it justice.
i'm going to fix this later.

seriously, i need to stop taking pictures of trains...

kyle and i battle turtles and feast on
cheap notebook paper every day oh my gosh!

the olde towne hall family of four.

it looks kind of small here... bummer.
it says "forbidden fruit creates many
jams"... on a church... kind of odd.
i saw one that said "hail yes" the other
day, god i wanted to have my camera.

kathy dresses funny, reads funny scandal
novels, and has funny furry friends!

the rotary garage sale lines up single file? cute.

Making loads and loads of mix cds tonight. If you'd like to make one and trade by way of the postman I'd love to exchange some little tunes (that you probably have already heard anyways) with you, leave one. If I know you, I try to make super personal ones, so you're sure to get something cool.

Great news, Saves the Day is coming again on July 12, if you don't already know by me jumping up and down repeatedly when I first found out... yeahokayisuck. But if you want to hit that, let me know and I'll take you out. Call it a date, sweetheart. <3.

Summer. is. at. the. door.
*knock knock knock*
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