in a comment, sum up your thoughts about me in one word.
then, put this in your own journal to continue the cycle.
Today was icky. Stupid sub in biology should die from her own evil looks.. pshh people have Huge additudes..( dont expect me to be nice to you when you roll your eyes at me for no reason)
I killed Brittany and mines kid. I sat on poor Krystal Methany Ganja Terk.. oh dont we look like crack heads. I love it.
Anyway I think im ungrounded.. can we say WOO? Sweet. I dont know I think I am.. we'll see when my mommy gets home. Anyway I need to get started on my english homework.. the ton I have then biology I have to pass.. bleh. So yeah..
Whats going down this weekend? You hipsters gotsta let me know. <3 you Brittany