Bold=care Not bold=me
fallensky22: oy im need to shave
fallensky22: but im to lazy
fallensky22: :-)
StaRryEyeD242: haha same here!
fallensky22: contrary to popular belief shaving requires quite a bit of energy
StaRryEyeD242: seriously! i mean, we have to (if not doing it while we take a shower) roll up our pants, get out the shaving cream OPEN the shaving cream, get our razor, put ON the shaving cream sit ont he sick/tub and bend over to try to get EVERY SINGLE LITTLE HAIR pft YEAH...its hard work
fallensky22: and honestly its energy im not willing to put forth
fallensky22: it is ! gosh and then thereys the possibility of knicking yourself in the knee area which is actually painful! and then it bleeds and thats just no fun
StaRryEyeD242: yeah!! AND if u accidentally shvae too far down u can knick right on like the back of ur leg right b4 ur heel and that HURTS!!! really, really, really bad
fallensky22: IKK!!!
StaRryEyeD242: i mean its a tough job! guys can't always expect nice smooth legs! they want us, they are going to have to take ALL of us, and im sry if thats a problem, but im not going to shave my legs EVERYDAY just for ur satisfaction uh-uh noooooooo way jose! not gonna do it!
fallensky22: IK! and they need to tolerate it gosh its like im ok with a little facial hair once in a while if htey forget to shave so they can tolerate my legs gosh
fallensky22: and i mean they cant even complain bc when we kiss them its scratchy they aint kissing my legs god damn it
StaRryEyeD242: seriously!! it goes both ways ppl! BOTH WAYS! i mean if they want to shave my legs for me everynight, that could be nice, after a few lessons and practices on manicans just to make sure there aren't going to be ne knicedge goin on, i guess we could comprimse...not in the sense that i will shave him though UH-UH thats where i DRAW the line man! the line is DRAWN
StaRryEyeD242: EXACTLY!
StaRryEyeD242: and besides, we live in rochester, we were pants for more than half the year! they shouldn't be putting their hands NE WHERE inside our pants in the first place!
fallensky22: EXACTLY!!! and i mean really weather we shave oiur legs is none of there business quite frankly
fallensky22: damn it imnot shaving
StaRryEyeD242: me too! i boycot!
fallensky22: me 3!
StaRryEyeD242: WAHOO
fallensky22: but im wearing a skirt tomorrow so boycot starts friday
fallensky22: ahhah
StaRryEyeD242: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fallensky22: :-)
fallensky22: YES!!!
fallensky22: im soo witty tonite
StaRryEyeD242: u are u are!
fallensky22: im soo excited ma
fallensky22: man*
fallensky22: i love being comical
care i love you, what a great night that was! my my my my my *MUAH*