September Meme, Days 13 to 19

Sep 19, 2020 09:13

I knew I wouldn't be doing this month's meme questions every day, but somehow it has got away from me this week, so this is a big catch-up. I'm therefore inserting cuts, to save your flists.

13. What’s your favourite childhood story or fairy tale?

Now? Or when I was a child?

Actually, thinking about it, they are the same thing. Tove Jansen's Finn Family Moomintroll stories were a wonderful discovery when I was still a young child and my mother read them to me and my brother and sister. Later I read them for myself and as an adult, in times of stress, I have returned to their simple and kind certainties for comfort.

I've never seen the cartoon series on television, quite deliberately. I don't want to hear the voices someone else thinks the characters have.

14. What are your Top Ten favourite books?

No. I can't play this game. I've seen lists other people have posted and thought "Oh yes, that one... And that one... And...". I can't even do the trick of naming series, or even authors. So much depends upon mood and also, to an extent, what I'm reading at the moment (I can be fickle).

15. Do you plan, or are you flying by the seat of your pants?

I plan. And I plan for my plans to change at the last minute and take me in a totally different and unexpected direction. Sometimes because that's what I decide to do. My best plans are therefore broad and flexible.

16. How did you make a difference for someone else today?

It is still too early in the morning for me to have done anything useful for anybody else. I also don't expect to see anybody else today, since I am not planning to go out. This question is therefore blank.

17. If you were given $1M, with the stipulation that you must spend it on yourself within one year, how would you spend it?

I am making the obvious assumption that this is US dollars. And according to one of the online currency converters, as of this morning, that is £772,195.

I would move house without the stress of having to sell this house first and then I would take a luxury trip around the world, travelling first class and buying the sort of decor and furniture I love and having it shipped home.

Or maybe I'd buy a sailing yacht rigged up for single-handed cruising. The kind of yacht I'm thinking of would take the whole $1M.

18. What do you daydream about?

See option 2 of the last question *g*

19. What was the first song you ever memorized?

See question 3 *g* Probably some nursery rhyme. Or the alphabet song.

The rest of the month's questions can be found under the cut on day 1's post.

memes, monthly meme

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