I'm literally in tears. Tears of... hysterics. Laughing hysterics.
I told my boyfriend that at our community, Harry Potter was bisexual kinda, and I explained his history in brief, and he starts throwing out titles for the seventh book at me.
Frank: harry potter and the voyage out of the closet
Frank: harry potter and the sexually oriented confusion
Frank: ok ill stop lmao
Felicia: =[
Frank: ill let you write
Felicia: =[
Felicia: Harry Potter, Resident Bisexual hottie!
Felicia: =]
Frank: lmfao
Frank: harry potter and the desicison to remain neutral
Felicia: LOL
Frank: harry potter comes to an...intersection and has to decide.....which way to go
Frank: harry potter and the orientational crossroads
Frank: is that better? lmfao
Felicia: lmaooooo
Frank: harry potter and that one crazy spring break
Frank: wow there are so many different directions jk rowling can explore with her 7th book
Frank: cept if they did make him bi it would be one more thing for religious extremist groups to not like about him lmaoo
Frank: but hey its his choice
Felicia: lmaoooooo
Frank: im not helping am i? lmao
Felicia: nooo not at all
Felicia: lmfaoooo
Frank: lmao
Frank: so who does he end up with for real?
Frank: and if you say draco i think ill laugh so hard ill cry
Felicia: wait, in the books?
Felicia: or in the community?
Frank: lmfao i need a good laugh how about both
Frank: the books is rons sister right?
Felicia: uh, he breaks up with her at the end sorta, because he doesn't want her to get hurt, but he totally doesn't mind risking hermione's or ron's lives
Frank: lmfaooo
Frank: what a guy
Frank: wasnt he with...uhh...ok no idea what her name was but the one he liked in the 4th one?
Felicia: Cho?
Frank: yeah i think that was it
Felicia: lmao
Felicia: she cried too much
Frank: so they didnt last?
Frank: what a magical shame
Felicia: lmaoooo
Frank: so who will he end up with? lmao
Frank: hermione?
Frank: ....dont laugh at me lmaoooo
Felicia: he might
Felicia: HE MIGHT!
Frank: i thought she liked ron?
Felicia: lmaooooo we don't KNOW
Frank: o
Frank: i think theyl end up fighting for her
Frank: and shell pick draco
Frank: wow jk rowling should hire ME to write the last book
Frank: itd be like 5 pages of pure potter fun
Frank: 6 if you include clip art
Felicia: yeah no give up
Felicia: lmaoooo CLIP ART?
Frank: YES
Frank: magical irrelevant clip art
Frank: like the paragraph on harrys skin rash that made hermione leave him will have a picture of geoge washington next to it
Frank: or the paragraph when ron proposes to her but gets turned down because she has a thing for hagrid
Frank: that one will have a picture or...uhh...well i dunno yet
Frank: but itl be dramatic
Felicia: wow... you're creative, i'll give you that. 9.9 maybe you should just make a Arry Otter line, and write about the adventures of Arry, On, and Ermione
lmaooooooo, had to share.