eh, don't read this unless you happen to care about the debate tournament this weekend.
okay so my partner and i made it to finals, woo.
except it was messed up, and here's why:
so for those of you who don't know, there are 3 judges in a finals round. so we had 2 judges in there and they couldn't find another one, so one of the judges said that his wife could judge. so she did. but, guess what? he and his wife had never seen a single debate round before. they asked what "affirmative" and "negative" were. AND THIS WAS FINALS!! ALSDJKF. oh yeah, the woman was deaf too. as in, she wore hearing aids and couldn't hear anyone over a foot away from her. i really don't think she heard the majority of our round, but i think she did catch the part when the other team started yelling "you're gonna die 4 minutes after this round if you vote for the affirmative (us)!!" so i'm thinking that she took that into account and was mortally afraid for her life or something when she voted for them. because even if she could hear most of our round, she sure as hell didn't understand it. and it was a 2-1 decision for the other team, so basically if the deaf lady had voted for us, we would've won.
but we didn't, so we got 2nd. so that was kinda ehh, because we were so close to winning, and 1st place just seems so much better than 2nd once you get that far.
well it would've been okay, i would've moved on. but then! at the awards assembly, they announced that the first place winner of novice policy debate gets $500 dollars to go to Michigan debate camp! and wtfff, i wanna go to camp! so basically we were so close to getting 1st and going to camp, but instead the stupid rich bastards who won got the money for camp. and they don't even need the money, because they're "rollin in the dough", as one may say.
ahhwtf so i am pissed and annoyed and wtf our school is ghey and so was that tournament.
and+, it's weird how debate kind of overrides the necessity of food. like yesterday, i ate a sandwich, and that's it. but i still wasn't hungry. it's odd; it's like debate nourishes you and you no longer need food or something.
eh, i think one of my biggest flaws is that i dwell on things way too much. gah, i know it's stupid to do that, but i can't help it! i have problems.
heh, according to my mom my face looks like i've been sick for 2 months. niiice
and that's a wrap.