Somebody shake me cuz i must be sleeping....

May 07, 2004 10:46

i'm on a Self Improvement kick \m/ yeauhhhhhh! So i actualy woke up @ 9 rather than 11. I did my pilates (only after searching for the tape for 30 minutes. i was about to cry cuz i wanted to do it so badly ::sits on hands:: wait. PILATES. do pilates.* yeah...) and afterwards i was DYING for sum scrambled eggs. So i whipped those babies up right quick only to discover(!) we had no ketchup ::hangs head:: dontcha hate it when that happens? you want chocolate milk but theres no chocolate. or cereal but theres no milk? or cookies but u ran out of the ones ur feignin for and the only ones left are those stale chocolate chip ones with the M&Ms on them that ur brother forgot to put away when all you wanted was Oreos? ::sigh:: at least i had my OJ. Dad made me tea. but it'll reverse the teeth whiteningage so NO TEA FOR ME ::tear:: wait. no OJ either. cuz that shit discolors ur teeth. FUCK.

Arite so here's what i figure. I'm 104(.5)lbs. I checked yesterday. I havnt checked in MONTHS. so eh. its a good thing i did. Cuz that shit aint healthy. So rather than eat myself to obesety (cuz it doesnt work. trust me. i've been trying.) i'm gonna do my pilates so i gain the weight thru muscle!! woohoo! since i'm pretty much all lean muscle anyway (minus my butt and my lil belleh) i might as well work on it to improve it. And i'm not gonna overkill with the food cuz it does nothing but make me sick. so no more stack o' pancakes and french toast drowned in syrup for me ::outstretched arm in parting with fav breakfat food:: i'm jsut gonna have maybe half the amount of that. cuz when i eat i dont kno when i'm full and then i'm rediculously tired and my mom thinks sumns wrong with me. so by cuttin down i avoid two annoyances >_< (she was bitching at me like i was on crack er sumn last nite cuz i was closing my eyes while i lay down on the couch "why do u sleep all day and stay up all nite, huh megan? whats going on, megan? you okay? *most definitly NOT in a concerned tone of voice. more like a suspicious pissed off one. the one i get when i actualy AM doing sumn wrong ie. Adeel ::hides:: i hate that tone*") and then for lunch i'mmmm gonna eat - er - sumn. i need to get them to get those protien shakes back in the store. or maybe get the one's from the mall that i used to drink religiously ::quiver:: oh man they were so goodddddd. and dinner's gonna be sumn light cuz u shouldnt eat too much b4 u go to bed. its not healthy. so like soup er sumn. a granola bar er sumn. O! O! i kno! those weight gain bars they gave the blonde chick in mean girls! HAHAHAH! thats funny shit. *ahem* anycrap. so yeah. YOU ALL BETTER YELL AT ME IF I DONT STICK TO THIS THIS TIME. i need to work on my determination skills. cuz it'll last about 3 days and then i'm just like, "aaaaaahhhhfuckit." and i dont want that. ::shakes head::
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