::fight-shouting...english style::

May 09, 2004 14:41

My parents went with friends to AC last nite \m/ and the kids were ... not home. so double \m/. i ran and stole Hobbes. brought him to my place. went to get my bro. his friend Jordan's mom was all up in my ish sniffin' me cuz i smelt g00d apparently O_o at home i put on some movies for him so he jsut stayed in the basement. Hobbles brought anime! so we watched that. even tho he was uber tired and stuff.

we ate.

sum1 called him and he refered to me as "This Girl." ::raises eyebrow:: From now on EVERYONE must refer to me as "this girl" cuz apparently thats all i'm worth. Some girl... ::shakes head:: Jerkface. "I dont kno what the hell to call u! SHOOSH!" Yeh okay. NOT 'THIS GIRL'!! lol oh wellz.

my sis came home eventualy. watched more anime. which was good...when it was in japanese. in english it just sounds so fucked up. oh man. and the WHOLE nite he was singing to the theme song and the background music ::beats him with a pillow:: HE WOULDNT STOP! ::scowl:: eventualy the anime went off after the kids went to bed cuz he wasnt even watching and i was getting too tired to read the subtitles. and then *eventualy* we fell asleep. er - tried to. he passed out [lucky bastid] and it took me a while cuz i can NEVER fall asleep when thre's sum1 else in the bed with me. its just something i cant do. it takes FOREVER for me to get used to that. but eh. so it was me not being able to sleep cuz he was there. and i kno he twitches when he falls asleep cuz he does it at his house all the time. so that was expected. but then he starts snoring! ::falls over:: part of me wanted to kick him in the butt so badly. but he was really tired so i just let it be.

i kno i fell asleep. but i had this wickedly realistic dream that my mom came home. It was in my old house on BArd, only bigger. It was exactly how it was with hobbes being over n my 'rents being away. and it was the middle of the nite (cuz it was). In the begiinning of the dream he looked/acted like himself but he suddenly disapeared and this other dude is chylin on my bed with me when my mom shows up. the new dude looked like a taller version of Lliam (only ugly. cuz lliam isnt ugly. i think he's adorable) and a mix of that frenchie dude from Green Card, only younger. but anyway. it was creepy. so i went to go check on my sis and my mom walks passed me in her PJs. so i'm just like WTF! and i'm trying to play it off. hobbes - er - lliamfrenchie - er - the Guy, okay?! goes hiding under the bed (cuz hobbes was doin that all nite it was so cute. lol) but then when my mom knocks on the door again he's jsut standing there and my mom sees him real fast and he WAVES! so i panic. im trying to figure out how to get him out of my house (which is now a bard/rhine hybrid) w/o getting caught. he's doing his whole "dude, y dont u just tell them the truth. let me meet them..." thing and i'm crying cuz he doesnt get that my parents will castrate him. so he hides under the bed again cuz my mom knocks on the door. but then she goes away and jerry's sprawled out on my bed o_O and we're making out and he'd givin me a head tease and i was FLIPPING out on him cuz i HATE frustration... but then i remember OH! the dudes under my bed. so jerry sumhow disappears (i think its b/c rite b4 i fell asleep i had INSANE head withdrawl goin on. it was so bad. u have no idea.) and its hobbes again comin out from under the bed. then the sum1 bangs on the door and its the otehr dude. so wtvr. the rest is all a blurr. i kno my 'rent eventualy caught us trying to get out and they went to kick me out and stuff.

i woke up around 530 (AGAIN!) to a wonderful chorus of FUCKING BIRDS!!!!!!!!!! ::shoots them:; i wanted to kill 'em all. they stopped for maybe 5 minutes before i realized they'd stopped. when i did....they started up again ::kicks sumn:: then HE starts snoring again. :sigh:: i just cant win lol but eh.

i eventualy fell back to sleep and woke up around 830ish(?). he woke up - sorta. ewwww mowning breff! i got the kids ready for school after i took my shower. made them brekafast. broght them to school. me n hobbes went to thriftway to get my KATANAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! ::uberduberglowycheeze!!:: but joe forgot it at home ::slouch:: so we made our way to his house. got it. ripped that muthafucka open and ::swoons:: ITS GORGEOUS!!! i was scared it was gonna look like shit when i ordered it. but its MAD nice oh man! and its SHARPEN-ED TOO! i'm gonna sleep with it. fuck the stuffed animals. i wanna snuggle with my katana. ::licks it:: its sooooo sexyyyy. its all blue n gold and it actualy looks like it did in the pic so YAY! ::shakes head:: Its a shame tho. She would have loved it...

we went to his place. his celly was starvin' ::pout:: and he took a shower. made me take vitamins >_< and then yelled at me to go to bed cuz he kept me up all nite with his SNORINGGGGGGGGGGGG haha! ::sigh:: that boy needs a haircut. badly. ::giggle:: we were gonna origionaly go to IHOP to eat but he asked if i'd mind going to his Aunt's place. So of course i didnt mind n we went there....after his mom came to find us. It was over in Rosebank. RIGHT BEHIND MY OLD HOUSE TOO! their yard jammie was right across from The Lot!! thats where we had the fair every year. good good times! there were these three little girls playin in the street. one was runnin around. one was on a bike pulling this other girl in a wagon tied to a string tied to the back of the bike. reminded me of me and my cousins. i only lived there til i was about 4 or 5 but my Grandparents/cousins still lived there so i was there all the time. ::glowysmile:: i wanted to go to my backyard so badly just to see if strawberries still grew there ::bites lip:: anyways. we ate. they kept tellin us to take more of the other stuff. sum1 popped a steak on my plate and i was just like OMG U CANT DO THIS! i cant finish that! and they had a puppy! er - sorta. 7 month old rotteeeeeee it was so cute! it like pounced me the second i walked by it. ::pout:: So i stayed a bit. listened in on convos n stuff. they;re so playful with eachother its adorable i love it lol Dexter and Peanut are soooo cute!!!!!! Just picture big evil sonuvabeech and a lil shit fuzzy pup nuzzlin' eachother ::melt:: i had to go tho. i said my goodbyes and left. but these kids were like followin me as i was leaving! i got all worried cuz the chick on the wagon was goin all over the place i didnt wanna run her over er nuthin.

anycrap. i need a nap. oh sweet sweet sleep how i miss you. then i gotta study like a mofo cuz i got a final tomorrow...i think. i'm pretty sure ::scratchs chin:: hmm...
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