lau stopped by. i was sposta be studyin, woman!!! lol no worries. She didnt wanna come in. but eh. i cant jsut chyll with her outside. its like - wrong. so she came in. i gave her her katana. cuz its hers. she was whippin the shit all over ::ducks!:: crazy mofo. i'm startin to think it was a BAD idear to give that ish to her. she had this evil lil look on her face. and i kno that look. the i'm-too-cute-to-be-eviw,-seeeee??-::dubewcheeze!!:: BULLFUCKINSHIT! I SEE RITE THRU THAT! haha! so yeah. she liked it. she brought me coffee icecream from egger's :;drool:: and bubble juice! but she forgot the 'mellows...again ::giggle:: aww! tankee dow =o) she fucked with my cell ::suspicious look:: i'm gonna hev to go thru that ish later. see what damage she caused. she made a 99 Red Balloon Picture and we hung it on the wall in my closet ::cheeze:: erm, what else. we got into a tickle/food fight/shoe throwing/lets-bitchslap-eachother-with-a-pita-bread frenzy. ::sigh/shakes head:: rite in the boob, y0. that fuckin hurt. and she got her jizzm all over my fuckin rug. wtf. i dont want that ish on my stuff, y0. i dunnno where u been. oh and she was pokin me in the neck with the katana. now, see, part of me trusts that she'd never physicaly hurt me. so it better stay that way. got it? and no goin around on hackin sprees either? i gave u that shit i can take it away. no fucking joke, dude. i'm not playin around.u already broke ur hand over shit. leave the weapon in the case. no more of that shit, ya hear?i dont want u hurting urself/OTHER PPL with it. i dont want that shit on my conscience. i kno u and ur temper. just, chyllax with that.
she had to leave...around 1030. so we clung to eachother for another hour. lol some things just dont change. she started crying. i hate seeing that girl cry. but i made her smile so score! \m/ ::shrug:: she was saying sumn about how she knows i dont look at her the same way i used to. true. i dont. but that doesnt mean i wont try my best to lift her up when she falls or stand by her like i always did. she should know well enuff already that i'll always be there for her. maybe not in the same way as before. but she's still very much a part of me and a friendship like we had cant be torn down. so no worries. she kept asking me what i was thinking. i jsut wanted her to stop crying. to not be so sad. otehr than that i wasnt thinking much of anything. i just missed having her around. and she keeps apologizing for breaking down. and for saying things that are on her mind. but even if i dont cry, even if i dont have anything sappy for tear-jerking to say i'll still hold her and listen. even if i cant say that i feel the same way anymore. i love her. yes. i wont say it to her face anymore. friends dont tell eachother they love eachother like that. so i'm not going to. and in my sitch it'd be wrong for me to. cuz i'd be going back on everything i've done/said and i hold tru to myself. i want our friendship bakc. not the relationship. so saying i love yous and smothering with kisses is just...not in the book. hugging is all good tho. i'm all for huggage. eh, i dont know. we can still beh buddehs so its all good. the tears and the pain will subside soon enuff. ::tugs ur piggie tails:: Chin up, duder.

c'mon. u HAVE to smile at that. its me to a tee!! haha!
hurr. sum pix we took.
i felt like drawin' on her.
I'mma dress her up in a lil frillie dress and pink socks wiff those black buckle shoes =oX
Samurai, muthafuckaaaaaaaa
k done cheers