title: one way (no detours) (for
dbsk_flashfic )
author: ianinna
characters/pairing: ot5 gen
word count: 269
summary: five ways to see, one way to love.
author's notes: verses in italics are parts of two separate poems. for
fading_sun_sock . for forever.
Yoochun writes it down, a poem caught between the drowsy morning and the frenzied afternoon ahead:
The trip was uneventful: / quick and easy, smooth and sound. Maybe it was because of the midmorning breeze, / that whiff of crisp, fresh air from the quiet river /that I passed along the way.
Changmin takes pictures of it, shot after snapshot of everything he wants to see, keep, feel:
Or maybe it was the near-empty train station on a Sunday: / without the crowd, without the fuss; / the platform stark and beautiful in the absence - / a brief respite from the regular pulse / of people-pushing and rush.
Junsu thinks of songs that could spell its sound, of things worth telling - which the world often ends up forgetting:
And maybe, / because it didn't matter. / The roads away from you are generic anyway. / Nameless, marker-less; they're all the same: / there isn't much to remember.
Jaejoong tries to draw a picture of it, disjointed lines bridging the spaces between points scattered on the surface of a paper towel:
...we have no need for maps, / you and i, / as no cartographer / can trace the meridians / of memory that originates from your soul / to mine;
Yunho wants to know what it's like when it's not there, but fears the absence:
this exercise / of graphing the landscape of our hearts will go on:
No matter how they look at it, it all comes down to one thing: that there are five walls, five corners, five faces to this one heart.
until the day we find ourselves again in the vicinity / of each other // - once and for all.