So Kimberly, Shaw and I get back to Macon after Norigins and Shaw needs coffee before he takes on the last four hours to Gainesville. We point him towards Steak & Shake among other places and he's off. Kimberly and I go inside and settle down for a bit before we realize we're starving. Kimberly got this coupon book that is loaded with "buy one steakburger get one free" coupons. Actually, specifically, it says "enjoy one steakburger get one free," but what they really mean is buy. Regardless, because of these coupons we've been eating steakburgers often.
Kimberly asks for cheese on hers, which is an extra we hadn't gotten on any of the others with these coupons, but whatev a steakburger is a steakburger and I figure it just means we pay a little more for the one we're going to enjoy that isn't free. I order a steakburger with nothing but ketchup, mustard, and cheese for Kimberly and a steakburger with everything for myself.
I have learned that the dudes in the drive-thru at S&S do not care about your coupon until you get to the point where it's actually time to give them money. So, I never mention my intent to enjoy one steakburger in order to receive a second one free until this point. I give the dude the coupon and he goes away for a minute.
It should be noted that I am used to S&S drive-thrus being the slowest drive-thrus ever. My late night experiences as a teenager in a town with only two 24 hour eateries - Waffle House and S&S - taught me this. "A minute" at S&S is something I typically expect to actually be something like five or ten minutes. My previous experiences with these enjoying experiences, though, had me slightly convinced that times had changed. However, this time, "a minute" once again meant 5-10 minutes.
Dude comes back and says, "This coupon says steakburgers, not cheeseburgers."
I stare at him for what feels like "a minute" and think about several witty and/or biting things I could say in reply to this. I did not order a cheeseburger. I ordered a steakburger with cheese. STEAKBURGER don't you guys pride yourselves in your commercials on how you don't have HAMburgers you have STEAKBURGERS. However, I also realized being polite now would probably help me get to use the coupon. So, I am. "I just figured I'd pay for the cheese extra and get refunded the cost of a steakburger without cheese." I didn't actually say "steakburger without cheese" like that, that would have been kind of dickish, but this is my retelling of this story. Dude goes away for an actual minute - maybe less - and gives me my change.
Kimberly and I enjoyed one of the steakburgers, apparently, because the other was free despite the cheeseburger masquerading as a steakburger in my TAKHOMASAK. Also they were delicious. So were the cheese fries, despite not being steakfries.
Norigins was completely unlike any of that, though, save for being awesome in an amount equivalent to the food being tasty.