I was browsing thru the old photos (1/2 years back?) of me and mus. And boy, did I have a good laugh. HAHA. We were geeky-child like-different looking. I cant believe Mus's hair was that longgg laaaa! I must say, we've changed through the years together. Good change(: Anyhoos, different look, same love bb. :D
take me back... )
Comments 4
long lastt! :D
anwww, i tau eh yang pasal "bestfriend" tu.
asyraf told meee. ingat tak what u said.
kurang asam you! HEHEHHE.
yang pasal bestfriend tu, hahahahaha, it was funny.
we were like "you ah, you ah, best fren". then end up, me and mus said, "kathy ah best fren". HAHA.
i dont know if you understand what i just typed ah but nevermind. we were jk. hehe.
jangan marah ye. *winks*
i know its a joke and i find it super funny tooooo.
miss ya (:
guess me!
super sweet couple.
last long yahhh!!
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