What is happy?
Is it being drunk?
Is it being stoned?
Is it having someone "give you one"?
Is it, god forbid, going to church?
Is it not going to church?
Is it throwing petrol bombs?
Is it throwing petrol bombs at the church?
Is it a meaningless place where normal people go on holiday?
Is it "giving" someone "one"?
Is it wanting to?
Is it not needing to want to?
Is it being able to remember?
Is it being able to forget?
Is it being able to forget why you wanted to forget?
Is it a sharp stick with a lemon on the end?
Is it protesting against the evils in the world?
Is it kneecapping the "evils" in the world?
Is it about why you don't get those little smiles that other people pass to their loved ones?
Is it having a little smile to pass?
Is it being given a little smile?
Is it something to do with kissing?
Is it something to do with (adult only) being kissed but not on the mouth?
Is it a wallet so fat you hire a butler to carry it around for you?
Is it holidays in the sun?
Is it about not getting skin cancer?
Is it when the moors are never lonely?
Is it being able to go anywhere and feel like you belong?
Is it being able to go anywhere (with an airport and a five star hotel)?
Is it the moment in the bed in the morning after?
Is it the moment in the bed in the night before?
Is it when you can wear that symbol around your neck?
Is it when you don't need to wear it?
Is it when you give it to 'the one'?
Is it when someone gives you a mallet and suddenly you are allowed to do all those things that are illegal?
Is it when you don't need to worry if breaking someone else's bones is illegal?
Is it the moment when you realise you are top in your field?
Is it when you realise your field breaks homes and businesses?
Is it not caring?
Is it the satisfaction in knowing the taunts aren't true?
Is it the satisfaction of enforcing the taunts with your gang around you?
Is it the satisfaction of finding the taunter without the gang?
Is it the feeling when you can predict the answer without a piece of paper?
Is it the feeling that the answer doesn't matter?
Is it not having to "enjoy" salads and going back to chocolate?
Is it enjoying salads and not liking chocolate?
Is it knowing that there is always someone to jump in a river with you?
Is it feeling secure and staying still?
Is it feeling secure and not staying still at all?
Is it never having to say: "life isn't fair", "just an idea" or "I wish you knew how I felt"
Is it being able to work and relax, and then go to a warm bed after?
Is it not needing to hold someone?
Is it being able to hold someone?
Is it real?
I don't know what it is. I never did.