Why isn't an ammendment passed stating that if Congress approves a war, all of the Congressmans' children, of age, *must* be the first to enlist in the army. As well as the children, of age, of the President, Vice President and Secretary of Defense
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Comments 13
and as far as demanding that congress send their own sons and daughters ...what the fuck?
how un american is that idea? demanding someone serve because of who their parents are ?
re- instate the draft or better yet make everyone between 18 and 20 serve in the military ,period.(it works pretty well for israel)
Now, however, no, I do not support the Iraq war because it is an endless war, with no visible resolution in sight. I do agree with the comparisons that have been made to Vietnam. I will not say the world isn't better off now that Saddam is gone, of course the world is. But the issue is not as cut and dry as that, I'm afraid. And, George W Bush did lie, knowingly or unknowingly it doesn't matter, to the American people. As the president it's his job to make sure he never sends American troops into harms way without making sure a thousand times over it is the right and just thing to do - as well as making sure there is a way out. Rumsfeld and the President failed on both accounts.
When is it OK for us to go to war? When there is a clear and president danger, a clear enemy. In World War II - the last justified war - there was a clear enemy and a clear way out.
In the case of Saudi Arabia, I would argue it is okay for us to go to war, because the government funded the attacks on September 11, and continue to harbor terrorists - despite slight attempts (3 years after the fact!) to suggest otherwise.
In Iraq, I think the CIA could have easily assasinated Saddam with little fanfare. The CIA has done it before many times, injustly, how come we couldn't have used them now, justly?
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