The money would be good if I got into Humber. THE PAST THREE YEARS WOULD HAVE BEEN GOOD IF I GOT INTO HUMBER. But fuck them. I'm going to call them Monday, the program co-ordinators and registrar and ask them why exactally I was rejected. Then I'm going to make it perfectly clear that 1) they lostout on the best student they would ever have had
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Wendnesday: Work Thursday: Last Exam then Work Friday: Work Saturday: Work Sunday: Work Monday: Work Tuesday: Work Wendnesday: Work Thursday: Work I am hereFriday: Work
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i'm happy the school year is finally almost over. with the exception of 5 or so assignments i'm pretty much all done. I found out I was acctually accepted into all three programs I applied for at Seneca: Television Broadcasting, Radio Broadcasting, and Broadcasting Journalism. I do feel bad for some of classmates that haven't yet recived any
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1) Get accepted to college fo september 2004: check 2) Get good grade in Pre-Media course: check (4.0 baby!) 3) Get accepted to a full-time diaploma program for september 2005: CHECK4) Get diaploma: TBC
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so ok...remember how i was applying to several jobs back in september? well apperintly the local Famous Players finally came around to my application and called my up for a job interview tomorrow (or today) at 7
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It's my birthday again, hur-rah! That means I'm going out tonight and getting absolutly shitfaced. And when I say shitfaced I mean I'm going to drink as much as my $40 will allow me and hopefully I'll be feeling fine by then.