Sep 28, 2005 16:06

Folks have been asking about the menu and recipies from the event I cooked this weekend. Gonna start at the beginning.... I will put is all behind cuts to not mess up my friends' fl pages. Where better to start than at the beginning?

Chicken Soup

To seeth Hennes and capons in Winter, in whitebroth.

A BOOK OF COOKRYE by Edward Allde. 1591.

Take a neck of mutton & a marow bone, and let them boile with the Hennes togither, then take Carret roots, and put them into the pot, and then straine a little bread to thick the pot withall and not too thicke, season it with Pepper & vergious, and then cover them close and let them boyle togither, then cut Sops and put the broth and the marrow above, and so serve them.

I didn't redact this beforehand.  I knew I needed to cook for 30.  So lets examine the origional:

Take a neck of mutton & a marow bone, and let them boile with the Hennes togither  Basically this is saying take some mutton, some soup bones, and some chickens, and boil them them in a large pot of water.  For 30 people, I bought three chickens and about 4 pounds of beef shank.  I didn't go with mutton, as I couldn't find any lamb that wasn't too expensive, and the beef would be ok anyway.

then take Carret roots, and put them into the pot This is pretty easy, right?  Take some carrots, and toss them in the pot.  So, how many carrots?  Well, since this was the other "main" ingredient besides the meat, I used 5 pounds, especially since it carrots are so cheap.  Now what the origional does not tell you is to strain the pot, so that you can remove the meat from the bones.  Unfortunately, since I was redacting on the fly, I did not do this.  If I do this soup again, I will strain and debone before I add the carrots.

and then straine a little bread to thick the pot withall and not too thicke Medieval cooks used sieves to mash things up a lot, so when it says strain the bread, it means to make breadcrumbs.  I used a half a can of purchased breadcrumbs.

season it with Pepper & vergious Again, redacting on the fly and without the encyclopedic cooking knowledge possessed by redcaitlin  I could not remember what vergious (verjuice) is.  I used some of the white wine and some cider vinager (about 3/4 cup of each) and added some fresh ground pepper to taste.  Or a normal human beings taste (*I* like a lot of pepper).

and then cover them close and let them boyle togither, This is simple.  Just boil it all together until the flavors meld.  I was kind of rushed since I was having issues with the stove, and was running late in getting it done, so it only got to cook for about 30 minutes (not counting the time the stock was cooking).

then cut Sops and put the broth and the marrow above, and so serve them.   So cut the bread up already, and let the peeps eat....

So, for soup for thirty, I paid $16, plus the cost of the Italian loafs ($1.99 per loaf, and 2 would have done it).  Total cost per person: $0.67

Your ingredients are:
  • 3 whole chickens ($11 for 4, I added the 4th Saturday)
  • 5 pounds carrots, peeled and cut ($4.99 for 10 pound bag)
  • 3/4 cup white wine
  • 3/4 cup cider vinegar
  • 24 oz bread crumbs ($2.49)
  • water
  • pepper to taste

feast stuff

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