recent doings, part 1

Jul 07, 2007 00:31

The weekend before last (so, two weeks ago) turned out to be rather full of stuff. Friday the 22nd I spent a lovely evening out with stealthmuffin. I met her in the South End and we proceeded to a very fine dinner at Sibling Rivalry. stealthmuffin naturally had eaten there before with her sibling, whereas it was my first experience. We managed to divide our orders reasonably well between Chef Bob and Chef David, she with a salmon entrée, and I with a shoulder and rack of lamb. They were delicious, as of course was dessert.

We then proceeded to the Boston Center for the Arts for a production of Tom Stoppard's Indian Ink. Originally a radio play, it both came before and points squarely towards some of the techniques Stoppard used in Arcadia. It was a lovely show, and I ran into an acquaintance from college during intermission on top of it all.

The next day I had a wedding to play at the MIT chapel. A relative of (I think) the groom was awestruck at the rather small and idiosyncratic pipe organ there. He climbed up into the loft (there's a very steep pull-down ladder) and seemed blown away at the idea of someone playing the instrument.

Job done, I managed to get home, change quickly into piratey gear, and head over to the best bachelor party ever in my limited experience, sen_no_ongaku's. After being abducted and blindfolded by cute_fuzzy_evil and wavyarms, the main parties responsible, he was taken to a game emporium in Somerville, with everything from Ms. Pacman and other video games to laser tag to batting cages. Raucous fun was had, needless to say (and it was coed to boot, with the bride, sigerson there as well). Afterwards, a small group repaired to a house for more games.

The following afternoon saw my debut as a prayer bowl performer. Not unlike producing musical pitches with wine glasses, this was for the debut concert of Schizophonic, a female vocal trio led by none other than wavyarms, performing a premiere of a piece by sen_no_ongaku. It was a great program, the vocalists all have great voices, and I managed to eat yummy ice cream beforehand, it being a hot day. Following the concert, some of us hung out at a local pub near Harvard Square, sharing some good conversation.

Tomorrow, I drive to Montreal.
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