80 questions of dewm!

Sep 16, 2009 17:35

Please take the time to read this, as it was really long to do, and frustrating (Ask Ami D: )

1. Someone knocks on your door at 2 a.m., who do you want it to be?
Hmmmm... A friend in need of a hug or something? But really, why would I want someone to knock on my door that late?!

2. Your boss tells you he/she will give you a $20 raise if you'll do your job naked. Do you?
Yep, I could also use it against him if ever he pisses me off. :3

3. Put yourself in a nutshell.

4. Have you ever seen a ghost?

5. are you happy with your body?
Nooooope, well, sorta. People seem to think I am cute, but I would never go out with me.

6. A reason you would move to Iceland?
Go chill with my friend Gab, poke him as he tries to work Java. :3 (or is that Greenland... I forget)

7. A place you've lived that you miss.
Cole Harbor, that house was nice. ; ;

8. A job you would never do no matter how much you were paid?
US Marine. :3

9. A band you thought was cool when you were 13:
Mmm, 13? I did not find any bands cool when I was 13. I did when I was 8, and I do now and I am 18, but nothing when I was 13. o_o;

10. You have a nightmare, who's the first person you think to call?

11. Want to have kids before you're 30?

12. A memory from high school:
Writieng this quiz? Errm...Ok I have to do better then that... Yet I can't now. Ask me later?

13. Ever had a crush on one of your friend's parents?

14. Worst thing you've done at work?
I only worked at McDonalds for 2 weeks, and got fired with out explaination or notice. :/

15. Do you look more like your mom, or your dad?
No clue, dad I guess, when he was my age.

16. Something you've always wanted to learn how to do:
Play an instrument, I just look like I should be able to. D:

17. Still friends with your exes?
Sorta... Well... Two of em anyway. :/ One I left because he was a prick, one I left and turned into a super prick later... Yeah.

18. Where you'd like to be in 10 years:
Working on a video game. :3

19. Something you learned about yourself this year?
I might be able to find love after all <3

20. What do you want for your birthday?
A hug or a snug~

21. Name 3 things you did today?
Forgot my lunch box on the bus. :C
Had the first slice of pizza of the day at the corner pizza joint at freeblock.
Watched the boys play some burnout in the student body meeting room.

22. What's the last item you bought yourself?

23. Do you have an ornament hanging from your mirror in your car?
What car?

24. What did you have for breakfast?
Eggs and bacon...WITH TOOOOASSST!

25. Who has the most tattoos?

26. Write the chorus the song you're listening to:
I am in a library, there is no music D: Last song I heard was O'canada...
"O'Can-a-da! Our home and native land"

27. How many hours of sleep do you get a night?

28. Have you ever been tied up?
I think so... You mean none sexualy right?

29. What do you wish you were doing right now?
Chilling with my main man(girl) Kim, getting high on life, amoung other things.

30. Who's the last person on your cell's contact list?

31. Last time you witnessed a fight?
I can not remeber. D:

33. Do you like your hair pulled?

34. Name three places you would like to travel to:
-England. :3
-Italy. o:

35. Do you know how to ice skate?
Yea, but not well.

37. Name something you like that is out of the ordinary:
Furrys, listing to video game music.

38. Is bigger really better?

39. What do you think of Brad Pitt?

40. Name a friend you have the most in common with?
Kim. O:

41. What color are your toenails?
I guess pinkish? (I don't use nail polish : P)

42. Last person you talked with on the phone?

43. Do you own anything with a skull on it?
I don't think so

44. Have you ever been to Europe
NO. :(

44. Have you ever been to Antarctica:
NO (:

45. Name five people you would trust with your life.
Ami, Kim, Ox, Drec, Cath

46. Last movie you watched?
Ed Wood.

49. Last board game you played?

50. Leather or lace?

51. Have you ever had a black eye?

52. Where do you rent your movies?

53. Have you ever worn fishnet stockings?

54. Do you know anyone in prison?

55. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?
The skin around my eyes was shiny and looked kinda coolish.

56. How much cash do you have on you?
Not a penny, bank you see.

57. What's a word that rhymes with "DOOR"?

58. Favorite planet?

59. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your mobile?
I don't have a cell.

60. What shirt are you wearing?
Blackrain something something.

61. Do you "label" yourself as anything?

62. Name the shoe brand you are wearing.
Socks. :3 Roots.

63. Bright or Dark room?

65. What were you doing at midnight last night?
Reading 1984.

66. What did your last text message you received on your mobile say?
I hate texting...

67. Where is your mailbox?
By the back door.

68. What's a phrase that you say a lot?
I dunno. I say a lot of things a lot.

69. Who told you he/she loved you last?
Ami. xD

70. How many drugs have you done in the last three days?
Marijuana and Caffeine.

71. Favorite age you have been so far?

72. Your worst enemy:
Cor, fffffffu-

73. Current image on your desktop:
FurFrags logo.

74. What was the last thing you said to someone?
O really?

75. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to Fly?
Million bucks.

76. Do you like someone?
Yep. :3

77. What was the last song you listened to?
Smooth Criminal.

78. If the last person you spoke to was getting shot at, would you jump in front of the bullet?
A nooo... D:

79. If you could punch one person in your life right now, who would it be?
Errrm... One?

80. What is the closest object to your left foot?
Garbage bin.


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