HPD Prologue

Jan 01, 2005 05:12

Title: (untitled)
Author: this_thorn
Rating: R
Warnings: Darkfic. Probable character death. Probable slash.

Prologue: Darker things

Muggle children learn many stories, tales of impossible things in mythical lands.

They tell of witches and faeries, magicks both good and evil, dragons, ghosts and men who talk to animals.

They're make-believe, all of them, but they continue to be told through the generations, inspiring children to dream and bringing fancy and color to an otherwise practical world.

Safe in their secret domain, the true wizards have legends of their own. But they are seldom fanciful and anything but make-believe.

The children whisper of them in conspiratorial huddles, recounting fragments glimpsed in this or that forbidden text, and sometimes the adults mention them in euphemism, furitively watching for eavesdroppers.

But, for the most part, everyone just tries to forget.
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