So, I'm stuck in a hospital for the next sixteen days.
Actually, it's nothing really that exciting.
Specifically, I'm in the CMAX drug studies unit of the RAH.
Yes, I'm doing one of those things where they give you untested drugs and see if you die, for which I get a nice big cheque at the end.
Provided I live.
It actually works out to about $6 an hour, but that's including sleep.
If you're interested, the study is listed
here (pdf) as CM0506, and it's not anywhere near as dangerous as I make out.
My greatest risk is being beheaded by the tennis ball used in the daily corridor cricket matches run by the younger guys from the last cohort. They've been in here for most of the full 19 days, and are going a bit wild.
So, I won't be at any events or things held in the next two weeks (sorry, Jen), and I'll be doing a lot of reading. Internet access is available (obviously), but spotty, so I won't be catching up on all those LJs I've been procrastinating about either.
Main visiting hours are 3 to 5. If you're, like, in the RAH and have nothing better to do...
(SMS me if you are going to drop in - some days I won't be available, being in a bed with wires stuck all over me and a tube in my arm.)
I'm not overly bored yet, but I can see myself getting a bit restless in days to come. Fortunately I have a good support crew. (=
Expect more posts as I get increasingly bored. But not too many - this is me, after all.