I got drunk and decieded to clean my apartment apparently. Now i have been searching for the better part of a day to locate my flight and hotel reservations with no luck.
Well, at least it is better than the time i can back to my room at the courtyards with someone else's keys.
Ok, so how about a movie starring Will Ferrell in which he plays George Dubya and it is shot in the same far feched light as Anchorman? instead of his three news room friends he can have Rumsfeld, Powell, Rice etc etc. you get the jist.
One of my professor sounds exactly like, and looks very similar to Bricktop from Snatch. He even has the thick british glasses.......awesome! No, wait. I've got to get with all the new post-napoleon dynamite lingo...It's Swweet!
Things are getting frantic as time to drop/add is running out. I've basically sat in front of my computer logged into ISIS for more hours this week than i have slep. For the purpose of organization
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