Years roleplaying: 4 or 5 years.
Least favorite muse?: Chi and Teruki
Male or female muses?: Both... though nowadays I prefer male
Oldest character played?: Umm... Izumi was well into her 40s or 50s even though she looked to be 25.
Longest muse played?: Eh... Izumi... :>
Which muse of yours would be most likely to...
Jump off a bridge?: Izumi =/
Get drunk and pass out?: Amonn >.>
Kill somebody in a very unorthodox way?: Teruki... o.o and Chi... but mainly Teruki.
Be far too hyper for their own good?: Amonn, Kye, Kei
Be raped?: Amonn, Shiyuu
Get lost and refuse to ask for directions?: Izumi and Shia. Like mother like daughter. Hide-zou too, btw
Get lung cancer?: Ketani.
Star in a horror movie?: Chi
Star in a whore movie?: Amonn >.> and Torakiji
Star in a video game?: Kye and Shia.
Make the world a better place?: .......
Have a torrid gay love affair?: Amonn -COUGHDKJCGB-
Relate each word to a character of yours:
Love - Amonn, Shia, Izumi, Torakiji, Hide-zou
Hate - Chi, Sin, Teruki, Izumi
Money - Kei
Seduction - Amonn... Shia... Tora...
Lies - Izumi, Sin
Tragedy - Amonn, Shiyuu, Shia, Izumi
Manipulation - Sin, Teruki
Violence - Shia, Chi, Sin, Izumi, Teruki
Politics - Ketani
Fire - Amonn, Shia, Kye, Sin
Ice - Ketani, Izumi, Torakiji, Hide-zou
Would you ever...
Play a prostitute? Of course.
Play a musician?: Sure.
Play a pilot?: ... Why?
Play a homosexual?: Hahahaha no... jk yes. ;D
Play a pedophile?: Possibly~
Play a politician?: No.
Create a muse for the sole purpose of smut? Lmfao maybeh.
Play a character who commits incest?: ... No.