You know how last week I said that the whole OTT family thing is going to be awesome cakes? Well...
I was so damn right it is untrue! I mean all of their scenes were just fantastic. I laughed my way through the whole of the last scene. Mark's face! Callie getting a special vagina vote! Arizona insisting on the broccoli. Actually another little scene I liked was the one between Arizona and Teddy just after Callie left. They have a really nice, understated, friendship going on. And I completely understand Arizona's reasoning behind being so decision makey.
Other good things! Avery/Lexie is back on the menu. I particularly liked their last scene together. The fact that Avery didn’t push her, just casually offered a bar trip, although taking his shirt off might count as an argument all to itself. And Lexie, while sticking to her guns about not being up for it tonight, does leave the door open for another night.
What else? I found Owen’s “storyline” rather sweet in a way. But only because it seemed like the writers just couldn’t think of anything else to do with him. “He was a soldier. He saw people die being heroes. And... that’s it. Why did we write a guy this damn boring guys? Seriously?” And I liked Owen and the actor that plays him is really good. Tell you what guys from now on I’m just going to pretend that Owen is actually the guy from Dog Soldiers instead. He was so traumatised by his experiences in that film that he developed an American accent and became a doctor. Now he is attempting to be as bland as possible so that he doesn’t start thinking about werewolves again. It makes sense, really!
“Its twenty minutes till the kids come home.” Love you to Mer/Der! And Alex is Arizona’s project but she doesn’t need to teach him how to care.
I’ve stopped watching the early Grey’s now. I quite literally reached the episode where Izzy cuts Denny’s LVAC wire and couldn’t bring myself to watch any more. Partly cause I know that Denny is going to die and I really hate knowing how shit everything is going to get. But mostly because I can feel the stupidity of the next few season looming and I just don’t want to keep going. Cause seriously, how long is it before Der/Mer actually gets good again? (BTW Derrick is such a douche about the whole Meredith sleeping with other people thing. Still pissed at him for that.) So yeah... can’t quite bring myself to jump into the idiocy. I like my nice shiny new Grey’s too much for that.