Who: Luine and anyone feeling like booze. Who knows.
When: Friday Night of course. Time of half price mixed drinks.
Where: Osiscia
What: Half priced mixed drinks, a lack of a bouncer, and a side of government subversion. How could it be a more perfect night?
Warnings: Dude, the booze is half off. That is the warning.
She's got no bouncer. She's putting her drinks up for half price (just the mixed of course), and she's got no bouncer. Not the best of situations, but she'd made due before. Besides, there are other concerns more important as well. Like why she's losing the best bouncer she's had since she first opened the place. And the fact that one of the most wanted men in the city was due any moment.
Oh, and the normal crowd of drunks supplemented by new ones and those kids Remy was supposed to bring in.
Long night, here comes Luine.