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MR DAMIEN~~~ the smecker dude shot me down (guess im not hot enough ): ) but HERE'S SOME INFO I FOUND SCROUNGING AROUND~~~
Looks like the Human World. This could be fun ~ ♥
her name's 'parrently edna
But I'm not meant to be in the human world!
seems her name used to be flonne but now its flora and she's also a 'love freak' hahahahahahwlekjfnlawef
Why the hell are you here?!
guessing this kiddo's also with the other two~
seems she was in all three of the other kids' dreams, and they all interlink or some shit, i think s'suspicious. couldn't get names. seem kinda shady and shit.
brat dreamt about killing people and knows some big words and stuff, i figure its kinda funny and she didnt know where she was. 'idui'. talks funny.
not sure 'bout these two but seems first one's boss and second one's lackey in dreams. lackey's pretty fuckin' flamin', it's kinda awesome. not sure bout these two.
that's just from a loose first sweep of the info since the earthquake flash thing so maybe there's more but i couldn't be sure just yet
i wonder if this is good enough to get paid? (: i'm runnin outta cash
[ /private ]
im so boreddddddddddddddddddddddd
anyone wanna go on a date with me or something (: